I don’t know what I prefer from Skyrim I’m PS3, the extremely long loading screens or the console overheating and crashing!
Personally, I love being stuck as a vampire
The game is best when the save file hits 10mb
the save game issues on skyrim and the fallout games melted my fat PS3’s motherboard
fallout games melted my fat PS3’s motherboard
“The game is called Fallout, so you will enjoy your
nuclearmotherboard meltdown!”
Instead of Skyrim remakes they should be doing demakes and release Skyrim for the PSX
Skyrim mobile port when
Best Todd can do is Elder Scrolls: Blades
3 minute loading screen for exiting Breezehome
It’s legit improved from launch though. Launch PS3 Skyrim was 5-10 minute load screens EVERY door, and touching water crashed the game. Hope you get lucky and critical quest items don’t fall under the map too!
That was also when PS Plus cloud backups were newer and limited too, and the game save files were filling up people’s limits.
I don’t know what everyone’s on about, I play PS3 Skyrim all the time with an ancient console and it’s one of the only games that never gives me any trouble.
Have fun walking.
360 skyrim sucks too ✨