Edit: I’m going to extend the contest to mid-Aug to give time for the newest Reddit refugees to participate.
The original icon from r/espresso is great.
However, I thought that we can customize this community’s icon every so often with a little contest.
Here are the rules:
This goes without saying, but be kind.
You should be subscribed. After all, it should to be your community, if you’re going to affect it.
The image you submit needs to be your OC. It doesn’t have to be a shot you pulled, but it does need to be a picture you took.
[edit] Sign the picture on one of the corners or anywhere else that doesn’t “take away” from the image[, if you want to. If you don’t, I’ll sign it for you before we use it. If you’d rather not display your username on the picture, let me know in the post, and I won’t use it. Sorry for the poor foresight with this very basic privacy thing. That’s my bad.]
Post your submission as a comment.
Upvote your 2-3 favorite(s) and downvote your one least favorite.
Let’s give it 30 days? to mid-August. At the end, the image with the highest votes will become the new community icon until the next contest.
Have fun!
I’ll get us started
I’ve made this as the community logo for !coffee@latte.isnot.coffee, but unfortunately the instance was hacked and eventually shut down with no return in sight. So here it goes, free for the taking:
Not a shot that I pulled myself and certainly not my art, but a fun cappuccino that I drank a long time ago.
I don’t expect this to win, but just wanted to help get the conversation going!
If we want, I can also upload without my username, I don’t care all that much about attribution.
I love this!
Thanks! Can’t remember where exactly, but from some tourist destination in Italy.
Might help to lighten the atmosphere and make people feel welcome if we can be a bit silly with the icon.
Here’s one I pulled myself, using a traditional Chinese coffee cup I got from one of my colleagues (I work in China) as a secret santa gift. Not much of a tea drinker, but couldn’t let the cup go to waste - using it daily! It’s a lungo, but hope that still qualifies ;-)
Adding another contestant…
Keep the icon the same as r/espresso (this community’s current icon).