Imagine camping a channel and waiting for the downloaf instead of auto fetching the torrent with sonarr and RSS/API, import to library and watch once your home complete with metadata
Go in channel, ask bot for file, start watching. The only waiting that happens is while watching the content anyway. No need for any elaborate setup or leaving a box on 24/7. But you do you.
I prefer xdcc
fellow IRC enjoyer…
Imagine waiting for torrents to finish instead of starting to watch the second your connection is initiated
Imagine camping a channel and waiting for the downloaf instead of auto fetching the torrent with sonarr and RSS/API, import to library and watch once your home complete with metadata
Go in channel, ask bot for file, start watching. The only waiting that happens is while watching the content anyway. No need for any elaborate setup or leaving a box on 24/7. But you do you.