Nah, I post on a variety of topics, while your buddy or your alt just post rumors on a schedule. Also, what I post actually comes from mainstream western sources as opposed to random telegram channels. If you think Forbes or West Point are Russian propaganda then what else is there to tell you.
Hey maybe China will save your favorite trillionaire tomorrow? Hahahah. Or he’ll go hide in his gigamansion and shaking while watching Gaddafi re-runs.
Any ideas what’s up
Reportedly a column of Wagner forces are heading to Moscow from near Rostov.
man you’re really busy spamming your propaganda here, every 5 minutes like clockwork
Funny, because that’s what most of your comment/post history seems to be.
Nah, I post on a variety of topics, while your buddy or your alt just post rumors on a schedule. Also, what I post actually comes from mainstream western sources as opposed to random telegram channels. If you think Forbes or West Point are Russian propaganda then what else is there to tell you.
edit: stay mad trolls
You hang out at the Apple Store and shop at hot topic while your mom gets her nails done. Shhh. You’re not really a revolutionary.
You ok there bud?
Why wouldn’t I be? Are you ok??? Hahahana
Try reading your original comment sober at some point.
Hey maybe China will save your favorite trillionaire tomorrow? Hahahah. Or he’ll go hide in his gigamansion and shaking while watching Gaddafi re-runs.