People hate on patreon for getting rid of per-creation billing but did your audience even want it anyway? Having to budget for those occasional months that have 5 paydays in them and thus cost the user 25% more is annoying and I bet they got the feedback that per-month is vastly preferred by their paying customers.
Not even per-creation, but the weird system of always paying at the start of the month, instead of just subscribing whenever. It’s stopped me from subbing multiple times because I don’t want to pay double for one week of access.
The singular argument for that system is that it enables creators to pause payments for a month without it fucking up billing for people. I mostly sub to authors, and if they take a month off, the ones not doing the first of the month model have a lot of issues.
I like it because the person I follow only posts like once a year, and they like it because they don’t feel burdened to post more.
Patreon allowed you to limit how many creations you would pay for in a month
An edge case, but one of the artists I follow is in Ukraine and has not been the most active. I prefer by creation billing because I want to make sure the money goes to her and doesn’t just pile up in patreons coffers.
Just move wherever. Liberapay works, open collective works. Just forget these leeches.
Open collective is meant for grassroots organizations, and from the looks of it liberapay doesn’t allow for patron exclusive content, and is mainly intended for foss devs.
There isn’t a good option for artists and content creators.
mainly intended for foss devs
Can you provide.a source for that please?
The huge portion of revenue you have to give to a corpo for „patron exclusive“ content seems awfully brutal. That and they can change your business model whenever they want. Doesnt sound like a good idea tbh.
Liberapay all the way.