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“Even in a gunfight, we’d just get our asses kicked by the simplest rifles.”
Russian soldiers posted a video testing the “unparalleled” bulletproof vest “Module-Monolith,” produced by JSC “Special Materials Research Institute” (St. Petersburg). During the experiment, all five bullets penetrated the armor plate completely. The soldiers expressed their dissatisfaction with the quality of the heavy and useless gear: “Just f*cking great. Thank you, Ministry of Defense.”
Tbf, those things have always been for stopping shrapnel and keeping your insides on the inside, if you do get shot.They were never made to stop assault rifle rounds, even from the kind of distances intended for assault rifles.You are thinking of a flak jacket, which is for shrapnel.
Bullet proof vests should be bullet proof up to a reasonable impact. They won’t stop a .50 cal, but are designed to handle assault rifles like the m-16 or AK at a commmon engagement distance when loaded with standard ammunition.
I’m sure I’m thinking of a flack jacket with an extra plate of kevlar or metal ( a bullet proof vest).
The extra plate stops rifle rounds up to caliber .308 / 7.62mm (which carry more force than the assault rifles used by most infantry now), at least in the American Level III/IV vests.
Funnily enough, the European standard goes up to armor ratings that would protect against 3 point blank shots from 14.5×114mm rounds (what this thing shoots), but I couldn’t find a picture of any armor with that rating, and it would likely break every bone in your torso even if the bullet doesn’t penetrate.
This is what Level III/IV full body armor looks like:

How is that something a person could wear? Those bullets penetrate light vehicle armor.
I’m guessing they just defined the standard for any round fired by a human-portable rifle, without worrying about whether it’s possible to meet the standard.
That would make sense, bulletproofing your standard before the bulletproofing technology catches up.
Even Master Chief’s Mjolnir armor from Halo wouldn’t pass. (It would stop one bullet but not three in a row without time to recharge the shield.)
The 14.5mm KPV heavy machine gun is human portable in the same way that an 80/81mm mortar is. As in, if you bring a couple of friends and don’t want to use it much, it’s not completely impossible.
There are also anti-materiel rifles (generally bolt-action) which use that ammunition.
I think it’s more like they tested the plate and at best the plate could take three shots when optimally dispersed, in a way that there’s would still be a tiny chance that the wearer wouldn’t instantly die.
It’s more “improve your odds” than “be bullet-proof”.
Probably weren’t direct shots, but like, at an angle.
“Hans, the bullet didn’t penetrate your armor!”
Hans: [is soup]
When I was in the army, we tried an insert like that in our shrapnel vests. The cost to mobility was pretty severe compared to the area the plate covered. Most troops wouldn’t have the inserts, and just have the std shrapnel vest.
Here’s what the Finnish one looks like with the inserts. Although this is a newer model than the one I had while serving.
Oh ok, my bad.
That steel plate in the vest should absolutely be stopping those rifle rounds, that is their main purpose (shrapnel can be stopped with much lighter and more flexible Kevlar).
The fact that these are failing to stop those rounds shows that the steel is likely not heat treated correctly to the proper hardness. Considering how much weight those add to a loadout, if the rest of the vest is Kevlar, those soldiers would likely have a higher survival rate by ditching the ineffective plates entirely in exchange for better mobility.
Depends on the rating really. Some are only rated for small caliber hand guns. This might be one. Or it’s just for bolstering confidence and does fuck all.
Wait, are people down voting because they don’t think there are different types of plates, wild.
It’s BR4 rated, it should be stopping rifle rounds
If it is for hand guns, then it’s almost completely a waste, since the only pistol caliber guns I’ve seen in this war are only issued to Civil guard there, way behind the frontlines.
Oh agree, huge waste. But if it’s all that they have in guessing they don’t care.
I assume people are down voting because it’d be really dumb if that were the case. Sure, it technically could be, but it’s really just grasping at straws for no reason. The most obvious answer is probably the correct one. It’s probably just poor quality.
the us just spent a lot of money picking a new assault rifle specifically because they wanted one that could actually penetrate kevlar now that russia and china are issuing it to their troops
well, i guess maybe china is issuing it to their troops
No, the plate they are showing is specifically made to stop rifle rounds (BR4 rating)
deleted by creator
Bold of you to assume they get back plates.
Sapi plates, specifically over level 4 can stop, on average, a single rifle shot. It’s more of a second chance than “bullet proof” though.
These are way too thin for ESAPI plates or equivalent. I’m pretty sure this is literally just a random piece of sheet steel.
Fair, I was more saying there are plates that can stop rounds when referring to “these things”, but ya these specific plates don’t look nearly thick enough. Or if you’ve ever had to wear them you know, heavy enough.
For real that’s my understanding. I think even small arms munitions as well.