I don’t want to hurt the snakes.
Or worse establish capitalism in the snake society
Let’s just give everyone, snakes and people, a chance to bite the bankers, and THEN sew them up alone. Much more humane.
Poor snakes
Although parliament in the 1700’s was exclusively comprised of the rich…
Yeah but they were mostly aristocrats who hated the uppity new rich bourgeois as much as they hated the peasants.
Surely we can do better now.with all our modern tech. Stronger ropes that can be re-used.
Yeah except the subject of the debate would be over the poor schmuck who pointed out the issue was the bankers.
“Oh behalf of
our bossesthe bankers should we use the quantum killing machine on Mr.Reporter or should we use the stem-cell generated murder beast?”
Source please
It seems to be some reference to this, although I can’t find anything about sacks and snakes. As stated by u/stovetop only the rich were in parliament, so if this did happen it was just one group of rich greedy people turning on another group of rich greedy people. Nothing to get excited about.
Robert Molesworth in a session on 12th August 1720:
in his Opinion, they ought, on this Occasion, to follow the Example of the ancient Romans, who having no Law against Parricide […] adjudg’d the guilty Wretch to be thrown alive, sew’d up in a Sack, into the Tyber. […] As he look’d upon the Contrivers and Executors of the villainous South Sea Scheme, as the Parricides of their Country, he should be satisfy’d to see them undergo the same Punishment.
No specific mention of snakes, but that was part of the Roman “punishment of the sack”.
We need some of them alive to learn their kesson. Let’s use the boo box.
@MrMakabar worth.
I need to write my congressman in support of this action for billionaires and CEOs.