Seems like a win win. Reddit is fine with it and becomes a site promoting that Taiwan is a country and spreading awareness of Tiananmen Square massacre 1989. While subs return to normal.

Or reveals themselves to be the mouth piece of the CCP if they force removal of Taiwan is a country and Tiananmen Square massacre 1989.

Edit: #taiwanisacountry should be enough. That mere statement has been enough for western capitalists to quake in fear.

  • mammothtusk@kbin.socialOP
    2 years ago


    Thought it would be fun to see with how lot of celebrities upon mistakenly acknowledging Taiwan as a country would profusely apologize so they don’t get canceled by China. Blizzard comes to mind too. I’d like to see what Reddit does.

    So every comment or thread is normal just at the end you’d have to write down. So functionally everything is the exact same. People post what they normally do and subreddits can stay on topic. Only the requirement of:

    #Taiwanisacountry #TiananmenSquaremassacre1989

      • mammothtusk@kbin.socialOP
        2 years ago

        I suggested it to /r/modcoord and /r/save3rdpartapps but the request remains in mod queue due to being a new account after deleting old one.

        But, yes for pure potential chaos of the headlines Reddit might make if they ban talks of Taiwan being a country and Tiananmen Squaremassacre 1989 is what I would love to see.