I’m currently reading the Wool omnibus by Hugh Howey. It’s pretty decent I’ve been making very rapid progress as it’s been too hot to sleep here recently now the summer has arrived.

I haven’t seen the Apple show, but maybe I’ll watch it in the future when I’ve finished all the books (I had Shift and Dust as well).

  • @LamerTex@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’m rereading Asimov’s complete saga in “internal story chronological order”:

    1. I, Robot / The Complete Robot (except ‘Mirror Image’!) [ROBOTS]

    2. The Caves of Steel [ROBOTS]

    3. The Naked Sun [ROBOTS]

    4. Mirror Image (short story) [ROBOTS]

    5. The Robots of Dawn [ROBOTS]

    6. Robots and Empire [ROBOTS]

    7. The Stars, Like Dust-- [EMPIRE]

    8. The Currents of Space [EMPIRE]

    9. Pebble in the Sky [EMPIRE]

    10. Prelude to Foundation [FOUNDATION]

    11. Forward the Foundation [FOUNDATION]

    12. Foundation [FOUNDATION]

    13. Foundation and Empire [FOUNDATION]

    14. Second Foundation [FOUNDATION]

    15. Foundation’s Edge [FOUNDATION]

    16. Foundation and Earth [FOUNDATION]

    I’m currently on “Forward the foundation”

    • @Narauko@lemmy.world
      51 year ago

      The Foundation series is absolutely amazing, and I am jealous of you if this is your first reading. One of my formative series growing up. You’re inspiring me to do the whole Asimov read through like your doing, because I don’t believe I ever read the Empire books and never read Robot beyond I, Robot.

    • @FantasticFox@lemmy.worldOP
      21 year ago

      I’m surprised The Caves of Steel is so early as it seemed really futuristic compared to most of The Complete Robot, but I read it a long time ago so maybe I’m not remembering correctly.

      • @LamerTex@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Well all short stories in The complete robot are with “normal humans” and their interactions with the first “robots” on earth when there was no faster than lights spaceships.

        The Caves of Steel instead is the first of the robot saga where humanity is divided between human from earth that lives inside the big underground cities and the “spacers” which lived on several different planets and are almost a new spieces because they have been separated from earth for several centuries.

  • Cadenza
    51 year ago

    Just finished The Dispossessed, by Ursula Le Guin and going to look for a library where I can buy the next book in the Hain cycle !

  • @w3dd1e@lemm.ee
    41 year ago

    Wool was great. And the show was good too. You can basically watch the first season after finishing Wool, if you’d like.

    I’m reading He Who Fights With Monsters but I’m going to dig through this thread and find a good scifi novel to read next!

    • @minerva@lemmy.world
      21 year ago

      I just started HWFWM and it’s my first LitRPG. Very different from what I’m used to reading but I really like so far. Going to try and finish it before I start Brandon Sanderson secret novel #3

      • @w3dd1e@lemm.ee
        11 year ago

        It was my first LitRPG too. I wasn’t sure I’d like it but I do. I’m on the 3rd book, actually.

        I haven’t read anything by Sanderson yet but I follow him on social media and I really like him.

  • FatLegTed
    41 year ago

    Seveneves by Neal Stephenson. Was a recommendation on the R site.

    Complex, eon spanning, hard sci-fi. I’m loving it!

    • TooL
      01 year ago

      If you could, what other sci-fi works would you compare it to? I am wrapping up the Children of Time series and could use something else.

      • AWizard_ATrueStar
        11 year ago

        I sold Seveneves to a friend by saying it is like Neal Stephenson wrote The Martian. Well, at least the first 2/3 of it. It talks a lot about the science how how an event like the one described in the book might happen but with the kind if granularity and verbosity you would expect from NS.

  • teft
    41 year ago

    I just finished up a first time read of Wheel of Time series. Solid 8 months of reading but 100% worth it. Mat Cauthon is my second favorite character ever written I think.

  • A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine.

    I really loved the first book in the series, A Memory Called Empire, but I find the second one harder to get through. The writing really gets into the protagonist’s head, and with all the stress she’s in, it gets… claustrophobic, I guess, for me. I wish there was a bit more focus on the plot about the cool mysterious aliens.

  • @fl3tching101@lemmy.world
    41 year ago

    Currently reading Foundation and Earth by Asimov, I absolutely loved the original trilogy so I’ve been reading through the sequels and plan on going back to the prequels after. In my opinion the sequels have a big shift in pacing and sort of the way that the plot develops… not sure how I feel about that. On one hand it is easier to keep up with with less characters, but on the other it feels like the scale of things is much smaller. Trying to not spoil anything. The series is a fantastic read nevertheless!

      • @laurelinae@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Difficult to say. If you keep in mind, that he wrote the sequels 30 years or so later and acknowledge that one’s views change over such a period, then go ahead. If you, however, expect the same flavor as the trilogy, then I wouldn’t recommend reading foundation’s edge and foundation and earth. And although these are meant as an introduction to the men behind time, that one makes no reference to the foundation trilogy. So it’s fine to just read the end of eternity on its own.

  • @szczur
    10 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • @lawrence@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I am currently reading “Wool - Silo, book 1” by Hugh Howey. It’s an incredible post-apocalyptic story about a fully functioning society that resides inside a massive silo. Nobody can venture outside due to the toxic environment that make survival impossible, even with protective clothing.

    • @FantasticFox@lemmy.worldOP
      11 year ago

      Those are some of my favourite stories. Although if I remember correctly, it contains the short story version of The Bicentennial Man and you may wish to read the novella version instead which he wrote later, having developed the story some more.

  • paper_clip
    31 year ago

    I’ve been working through The Expanse books, and have just started Leviathan Falls.

    • grady77
      11 year ago

      How do you like the expanse? I’ve heard they are awesome!

  • Botree
    31 year ago

    Broken Earth Trilogy. I finished reading the entire Wool series many years back and gave it a 3.5/5. Really strong start but unfortunately the pacing for the rest of it wasn’t quite to my liking.

  • @varjen@lemmy.world
    31 year ago

    I’m currently nostalgia-reading Robert Rankin’s Dance Of The Voodoo Handbag but that’s more far fetched fiction than sci-fi. Silly, entertaining and lots of tall tales. I’m also reading The Quantum Magician by Derek Künsken. I was hoping for it to be the start of a good series of books to read over the summer but it’s not very good. I will probably not bother with the rest of the series.

  • rephlekt2718
    31 year ago

    Not science fiction, but I’m loving Carl Sagans “The Demon-Haunted World”. He really was a brilliant dude.