Above gas stations? About the only thing that annoys me about them is half the stuff not having a price listed. I guess I’d hate them more if they kept jacking up prices the longer I was a customer. 🤨
I wish non-evil convenience stores existed because nothing’s better than the gas station when you’re stoned to the bone
I wish non-evil anything existed. Unfortunately, the world is set up so that only the evil truly succeed.
Food Co-ops are the closest thing I think, or farmer’s markets but those aren’t particularly convenient
Also, the trees that freely offer blackberries in a public park near me.
Gas stations have also gotten unbearable. I loathe the screen that forces advertising content in front of me while I’m already paying for gas.
Oh yeah this has started happening here in central Illinois and I fucking hate it.
Is this a common practice? I don’t have any of those in the US
Yes, I’m surprised out haven’t seen it. The screen that takes card information will start playing some insufferable advertisement while the gas pumps.
For those who don’t know: one of the physical unlabeled buttons on the side of the screen always mutes it, so just push all of them if some kind stranger hasn’t marked it for you.
That’s all we have where I live (Ga), but I always press the second button down on the right side to mute it lol
They are all over California.
I’ve seen one in the US, but it was in a small town with only one has station. No need to treat your customers nice if there is no competition, haha
Nah, I just absolutely hate my ISP. But also loath gas stations whose pumps do advertising you can’t turn off.
Don’t use those pumps
It’s literally (and I actually mean literally) every gas station and every pump where I live
Drive out of town to get gas
Gas stations:
- tell me the actual price up front
- can provide enough product for local traffic
- have a real person available to help, standing right there
- give me the opportunity to shop around on price, brand preference, favorite color plug things.
- 10ish mbps when we feel like it
- itll probablly be less than $100, probably
- take it or leave it bub, or gtfo
Don’t forget the random charges for a few bucks that they stick on all the time banking on people not bothering to call and bitch about it because an hour on the phone isn’t worth it for ~$5.
National ISPs like Spectrum/Time Warner Cable, AT&T, and Comcast/Xfinity have an oligopoly. They have divided up America into their own markets and purposely avoid entering each other’s markets to avoid competing with each other. With no competition, they are free to charge as much as possible, avoid providing good support, and can provide suboptimal service (ie, low and asymmetric download/upload speeds, terrible latency). [1] The problem worsens if you live in suburban or rural areas. Of course there are exceptions where coverage overlaps due to sharing infra, but that is rare and possibly priced in.
who… what?
I’ve never heard any one really complain about gas stations. is the questioned and response worded poorly? I think people hate paying high prices for gas but I’ve never heard any one say they hate gas stations before.
ISP’s tho, every one can agree that they can go gargle an entire warehouses of unwashed dicks
I don’t hate either of them. I have 2 good ISPs in my small town, and they offer good + reliable service for a reasonable price, without data caps. I’m very lucky to have these choices, I know from past experiences.
I do hate bullshit ISPs like AT&T though. I formerly lived in a house where they were the only ISP option and the service was terrible, slow, and vastly overpriced. Also unreliable.
These local ISPs are great though. I hope more small towns get their own small ISPs like we have.
Personally I’ve never had any problems with my isp. Here in Norway, I pay about $50 pr month for 10Gbps up and down. Isp doesn’t care if I selfhost websites or other things with my connection. Just hassle free
My family pays $160/month for a 4Mbps up/ 1 Mbps down internet and landline phone combo that usually tops out at half that speed in practice. It’s amazing much of anything loads out here.
Kinda sad to see how people pay wayyy more for way less. I imagine this issue worsens in countries with more corrupt governments or countries that allow for bigger monopolies of infrastructure people rely on.
Not sure why people would hate gas stations, I hate the gas companies setting the insane prices, but the stations themselves are often just local businesses.
ISPs on the other hand are like abusive partners, they do an awful job until you say you’re going to leave. Then they start begging you to stay and promising to get better. Then they’re good for about a week before starting to completely screw you again.
Yeah, I don’t hate gas stations at all, but fuck ISPs: Greedy fucking thieves.
Having moved to Oregon from a state where I could pump my own gas, nothing could annoy me more than the gas station.
Well, good news on that front, the house and senate passed a bill to let us pump our own. As long as Kotek signs it, it would go into effect immediately.
Not pumping your own gas sounds weird as hell. I didn’t even know that was still a thing.
Us and New Jersey I think are the only two now.
I hate ISP way more than any gas station. In fact I don’t hate gas stations at all. Weird.
Is that more or less than your health system?
You won’t see Americans united in that hate, because our system is actually great for the top 30% of people. It’s the bottom 30% who are really fucked by it. And the people in the middle are merely fingerfucked by it.
I think it’s more like top 5%. Between my husband and I we’re top 30% and it’s still terrible for us. But, point taken, like everything else in the US it’s serving the powerful few so it’s unlikely to change.
Yeah, the other heavily regulated industry.
I hated Gas stations so much, I bought a EV car.
This is a really strange comparison.
I hate Comcast so much