That’s not even the dutch flag
but it is ? right ? colors a bit pale, but… I think it is
The lighter colours means it’s the Luxembourg flag.
Yup, unless Wikipedia is lying:
That is the flag of the Netherlands. This is the flag of Luxembourg:
True. This is the flag of Chad:
This is the flag of Romania:
And this is the flag of Andorra:
Must be frustrating to be a vexillologist sometimes 😄
Not enough carrots.
reminded me of this one:
Honestly a great comeback for someone who gets called daddy against their will lol
Tbf, there’s nothing serious about the sentence “spank me daddy”.
Fair enough.
I still find it weird that the word daddy, you know, the word you lovingly use as a child for your father also has a very sexual other use.
I dont know what you guys do or did with your dad when you where little but this is just beyond crazy.
Or does the entire US population has oudipus complex?
I take it you’ve never broken both your arms
What are you doing, step-Hadriscus?
Shhhhh, no no, we’ve left that behind
Nooooooo. Stop right there…
I get this reference lol
It’s not just a US thing
Too many people had absent fathers probably
I didn’t… daddy uwu
We are all collectively trolling the prudes
“Daddy” somehow made its way out of the DD/lg or DD/lb kink all the way into vanilla sex world, somehow. I have idea how it did that but yeah, it used to be contained within a specific, semi-popular kink
The oldest use of “X’s daddy” to refer to someone other than X’s father or father figure dates back to 1681… It was used by prostitutes "in reference to their pimps or to an older male customer. The connection was that pimps - a mostly male group - took care of the prostitutes financially, much like how a father provides for his child’s financial needs.
Actually the proper term is ‘billenkoek’
Right? They totally missed the actual insane part. And this is a word that Dutch people really use.
Which translates to ‘buttocks biscuits’ literally
You’re thinking of Bill and Richard, the time-traveling rockers. Wait, that’s Bill and Ted… What’s Bill and cock?
What’s Bill and cock?
They’re from the porn parody: Bill And Cock’s Excellent Ass Venture
Bill & Cook would be a better way to pronounce it.
We all know Dutch isn’t real, it’s a prank played by the Dutch people on the rest of the world.
It’s so obvious too that it’s a fake language because they all speak English.
We will still give you forms in our made up language. It’s hilarious.
All languages are made up.
I prefer to learn languages actually used by nations worldwide, like Klingon or toki pona
Dutch words in general are insane. My favorite is Schildpad=turtle. Which literally means “shield Toad”
Exact same usage in German: Schildkröte.
But its not like the English language doesn’t do the exact same thing.
Most languages: Ananas
English: pineapple
Same in Swedish, “sköldpadda”. Literally shield toad.
Gets even weirder in Finnish, because it’s “kilpikonna”. Someone in ye olde times just straight up translated the Swedish name. Got none of the Indo-European roots in sight, but it still makes sense. Vaguely toady creature that has shields!
(Only problem are the homonyms. “kilpi” also means registration plate, and “konna” also means “villain, thief”. So every time some random person goes around nicking plates off cars, the journalists think they are very clever again, even when the joke has been made before numerous times. Poor turtles! They don’t deserve this!)
Jokes on you, in Danish it is “Skildpadde”. “Padde” is toad, sure, but “skild” doesn’t really make any sense!
(Perhaps it is an ancient Danish word for shield (skjold), but no one would use it)
That’s about on par with what I’d expect from Danes tbqhwyf
Tho, I would say, even tho its piney, a pineapple is nothing like an apple.
Apple used to be the general word for fruit. Hence why so many languages call potatoes “earth apple” or oranges a form of “yellow apple” or “applesin”
Fine. Hedgehog then.
Dutch is so whimsical. I personally giggle at winkelwagen. Winkel = shop, wagen = cart. Also, love that they say helaas pindakaas, meaning “that’s too bad”, but if literally translated means “unfortunately, peanut butter.”
Uh oh, spaghettios
Pindakaas literally translates to peanut cheese. IIRC someone trademark protected the word meaning peanut butter, thereby forcing everyone else to call it kaas (cheese) instead?!
TIL you can trademark everyday words in the NL. I need to read more about this!
Edit: turns out this is why
EDIT: Had not seen your edit before i posted this. Though both sources agree on the protected word, mine does not mention Suriname in any way. It sounds like a good theory, but could also be coincidental that the same word was chosen, couldn’t it?
Apparently, I stand (a bit) corrected. According to this dutch source, the dutch word for butter (boter) could only be used for products containing real (dairy) butter.
Here’s a machine-translated and quickly edited (to make sense) version:
In 1948, the first jar of peanut butter was marketed in the Netherlands, but it was not allowed to be called peanut butter. Butter was a name that was specifically registered for real butter. So only butter was allowed to be called butter. Other types of butter were called margarine. And so, another name had to be thought of.
[…] Pinderkaas was compared to leverkaas (“liver cheese”). That is also a sandwich spread that does not contain any cheese at all, but does have cheese (kaas) in its name.
Ah so similar to Oreo “crème,” because “cream” is a protected word in the US
That works doubly if you’re talking to someone with peanut allergy who’s asking what was in that cake while choking.
Something I like about the language is the homonyms.
Like pad means both toad and path, but then you have a voetpad (foot path/ foot toad), fietspad(cycling path/ bicycle toad) or a zebrapad (zebra crossing/ zebra toad).The latter ones don’t exist, just to be clear :)
bicycle toad
The latter ones don’t exist
Pff, that’s clearly a frog 🙄
Though a frog is called a kikker, which is kind of funny I suppose :)
It’s the same in many other languages, it’s not a good example of Dutch being silly.
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I see the Scots Wikipedia guy has found a new way to pass the time.
Are you kidding. I love this!
Every time I see a dutch sentence I got a bigger and bigger feeling that it is the german language with the poetry of a romance one.Had to go to translator and confirm this one.
Damn. Wow.
Tbf, I think it’s translated to “give me a clap papa”. But I’m basing that on interpolation as a swede
Same here, except as a Dane. Hi neighbor! 👋
This translation is off. The Dutch translation is too nice compared to what the English is trying to convey.
Translating it back it would mean “Hit me dad”
A more literal Dutch translation of the first sentence would be “Geef me kletsen pappie”
Oh man, that’s so much more serious
The more you know lol
Alternative caption: Google Translate is not a serious translator.
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