I wanted to share some of my kbin articles by boosting them from my Calckey account, but I can’t see them from Calckey. If I search for the kbin post from Calckey, either by using the “copy URL” or the “copy URL for the fediverse” link, nothing is found.

On the other hand, if I search for the post from a Mastodon account, it works, I can see the kbin post and boost it.

Any idea if the problem is on the kbin side or on the Calckey side?

    • dannekrose@kilioa.org
      2 years ago


      You’re welcome! Sort of. In general, Calckey and others (Mastodon as well) don’t handle non-Note-type data very robustly. Those are used a lot with groups and Calckey doesn’t really understand groups very well. It’s know and it’s on the road map, but I don’t think this one example is a high priority at the moment (Link-type threads)