Can confirm, I am said butterfly expert.
Prove it, tell us some cool butterfly facts!
Uh…butterflies get their essential nutrients by drinking from mud puddles?
And turtle tears!
And blood!
Also sweat! They literally consume blood, sweat, and tears
Contrary to their name, they are not, in fact, not made of butter.
The stalked has become the stalker
That butterfly expert? Albert Einstein.
So, was he already married or was she not his type? I know cases where this strategy actually worked and resulted in a happy marriage.
In my superimposed reality, OP’s name is Mariposa, the Web comic is named Nectar, and butterfly guy said he was fluttered not flattered
OP: *posts about wanting to marry a stranger on twitter*
OP: *finds and follows said stranger on twitter*
Stranger: *reads through his new follower’s twitter timeline, responds to marriage comments *
Hmm. You can see menderash’s comics. Def a little different.