Friendly reminder that an Immigrant African American Welfare Queen, with numerous baby mommas and children he don’t even talk to, is a foreign actor attempting to sway American Elections by spreading fake news. Truly the enemy within that needs to be addressed, there is a reason he travels with as many as 20 bodyguards just to touch grass Source.
“The probability that a homicidal maniac will try to kill you is proportionate to how many homicidal maniacs hear your name,” he said. “So they hear my name a lot — I’m like, ‘OK, I’m on the list,’ you know.”
this makes it sound like high profile assassinations are caused by a bunch of “maniacs” pulling names out of hats
Friendly reminder that an Immigrant African American Welfare Queen, with numerous baby mommas and children he don’t even talk to, is a foreign actor attempting to sway American Elections by spreading fake news. Truly the enemy within that needs to be addressed, there is a reason he travels with as many as 20 bodyguards just to touch grass Source.
He has one child who rarely talks to him. The others are in communication.
this makes it sound like high profile assassinations are caused by a bunch of “maniacs” pulling names out of hats
He watched the documentaries about The Jerk and The Terminator.