Protect rich people at all costs
Not even protect, really, but also “ensure they experience not the slightest discomfort nor the smallest penalty of law, and make sure their ever-expanding demand for luxury is exceeded in every measure.”
~guillotines are good for the environment~
Many things. For example, every single president during my lifetime has been almost universally liked by everyone in the country - kind of like a lifetime of Obamas.
A more recent example of something they do well is when I started my business. I received nearly 10 hours of one-on-one personal guidance on how to do it, completely free. They’re also paying me around 600 euros a month for a year to help me get started.
Thanks Obama.
What country is this? Uruguay?
Jesus, Lemmy, this should be a positive thread not just an opportunity to complain
Yea, didn’t see it going this way either.
Incarcerate citizens.
Ha! You must be from… Shit, so many options.
Australia is super good at dryland cropping, growing wheat where there’s fuck all water.
Also, digging up red soil and flogging it to China at a rate that you can almost feel the earth’s axis shifting.
The ADA.
Steal, corrupt, kill, erase, and destroy. Thats about all the country im ashamed to be a citizen of does
Syrup. Affable. Eh?
Parks and interstate freeways
Fucking the working class.
Abandoning public services and privatizing them :(
Kill (or help kill) people who are on average more poor and brown than we are.
Stifle populist movements around the world in the pursuit of infinite growth.