Israel could kill everyone left in Northern Gaza if its assault on the enclave continues, a United Nations relief official warned on Saturday
“Hospitals have been hit, and health workers have been detained. Shelters have been emptied and burned down. First responders have been prevented from saving people from under the rubble. Families have been separated, and men and boys are being taken away by the truckload,”
Msuya estimated that Israel’s actions in the north had killed hundreds and displaced tens of thousands. According to Al Jazeera, an Israeli siege on the north that began earlier in October has killed around 640.
“The Biden-Harris administration must stop the flow of U.S. weapons to Israel which constitutes a necessary step to halting Israel’s ongoing war crimes,” IMEU wrote on social media Saturday. “It’s time for an arms embargo now.”
That’s been the point the entire time
The entire population of North Gaza is at risk of dying.
Terrifying, but also completely obvious, and somehow most politicians don’t seem to be upset at the vast loss of innocent life by state terrorism.
It’s because their families aren’t the ones getting bombed…
“But you see, it’s not me, it’s not my, family, in your head, in your head, they are fighting, with their tanks, and their bombs, and their bombs, and their guns, in your head, they are crying.”
Because to them, no lives matter. Except their own of course.
The blood of their own people is also on their hands… because the IDF and the Netanyahu government uses them as human shields; it’s a fact that they play fast and lose with Israeli lives. Remember that they had intelligence an attack was highly likely around the month of Oct… they still let that music festival continue and didn’t attempt to evacuate or even warn the kibbutz near the walls surrounding Gaza. They wanted any kind of attack to be at least marginally successful so they could justify bulldozing and occupying Gaza so that settlements could commence there.
They wanted any kind of attack to be at least marginally successful so they could justify bulldozing and occupying Gaza so that settlements could commence there.
Yes. You’re replying to someone saying Because to them, no lives matter. Except their own of course. And ‘no lives matter’ doesn’t distinguish based on nationality as listed on e.g. a passport.
That’s not true, some of them care about their kids
If Israel actually completes its mission and kills every man, woman, and child in Palestine, would that make the western powers any more inclined to call it genocide?
It took us a 100 years to officially recognize the Armenian Genocide.
They would start to “seriously consider the possibility that perhaps something was not right”
“We will have to think about scheduling a call to plan a meeting to start having talks about perhaps organising a committee which would make a recommendation as to how we should go about getting ready to write a sternly worded press release (in which we won’t criticise Israel too much).”
They would still call it Hamas
Of course not, because they are complicit
Probably not for a few decades at least. It’s only when today’s college aged people take power that it’ll get labeled as such. And even then, it’s not a guarantee.
Long enough they can make sad movies about it.
Just think of the profit potential!
Heh. The fact we live in a world where terrible tragedies become profitable media in a few generations is a mixed bag. It’s good that people know about it, but it’s sad that it is something to profit from.
Victors may get to write history, but younger generations get to have the last word on it.
They’ll move those goalposts. “We killed everyone in Gaza by having them starve to death but we spared West Bank!”
“We didn’t massacre the Arabs who have Israeli citizenship!”
“We just deported every Arab from Israel and all territory we control, but we didn’t kill them!”
Or they’ll say something like ‘well actually, it’s genoslaughter not genocide because israel didn’t mean to kill all the Gazan’s they just did so accidentally.’
Most probably suspect it’s genocide and know they, by not speaking out, at least support it passively. But it just doesn’t matter for their immediate or the near future, so nothing will happen. Thoughts and prayers…
I see two main culprits that enable Israel to eradicate the Palestinian people and their livelihood in manner and speed we see now. The US and germany. Many other western political elites seem far more divided on the topic but probably fear the backlash of speaking out.
70% of the weapons come from the US and they will never stop to supply their FOB. Democrats or republicans will veto everything and make it as hard as possible to even reach a clear global verdict on what happened and how to classify it.
Most of the remaining 30% come from germany.
Here the key argument is that Israel is worthy of unwavering support due to the historical fact of the holocaust and the inhumane acts inflicted on the Jewish population.
Scholz said recently that the security of Israel is a National interest of germany. As a german I feel this too, although for me the state of Israel and the global jewish population we did unspeakable crimes to are not necessarily the same. There are lines that can be crossed that limit my willingness of support. It’s not unconditional and they crossed them. Israel crossed them, not the jews.
I also feel past and present crimes the jewish people had to endure can be used to understand why Israel is acting the way it does but it can’t be a justification of their barbaric way of waging this war against Hamas.
In short, nothing will change. Sorry for the long reply, this shit really grinds my gears.
US, Germany, UK, Canada, Ireland, Italy, Spain, and many more you have to dig a bit to find the details sometimes
Edit: Here info about Ireland:
I found out the other day from an interview with Irish advocate but here some info about it:
Most of those make sense to me as lesser culprits.
Ireland does not. Could you explain?
I added it the comments above.
I found out the other day from an interview with Irish advocate but here some info about it:
Thank you for posting the links. Have a good one!
Huh? Ireland? How?
I found out the other day from an interview with Irish advocate but here some info about it:
I thought the Irish were the champions of the Palestinian cause in Europe so this is… disappointing, to say the least.
Should have given them a part of Germany then, instead of having the Palestinians pay for your nation’s crimes
It was not ours to decide after the war but its an interesting thought. I’d like to see the outcome of that alternative timeline.
Many of the administrative positions were still filled with former Nazis. Most germans in denial of what happened. Also the winning powers seemed far more interested in the spoils of war compared to a just but self-limiting gesture of goodwill.
Sketchy ground for such huge undertaking that would have made german willingness and acceptance paramount.
Also the first thing that comes to my mind is that this decision would jave encaged the victims with the perpetrators. Tough deal to sell to the world.
I think germany is still in denial, i think part of the reason why germany is so opposed to even acknowledge palestinian genocide is because, to acknowledge it, is to acknowledge that the “israel solution” was inadequate.
On its core, the rise of hitler and persecution of jews were a result of racism. The economy fell and people started to blame the jews, it could just as easily have been another minority group.
You can actually see a similar behaviour in modern day germany, The economy went downhill because of a series of bad decisions before covid (over reliance on russian oil, closing all nuclear plants etc.) And the german population started to align themselves with neo nazi (like AfD), as evident from the last election. Neo-nazism now blames immigrants for all the german troubles.
Clearly whatever steps Germany (and the west in general) took, including the creation of israel, were not enough.
Feel free to correct me if i am wrong about anything.
These asshole didnt give papers to holocaust survivors. They were apatrides until 1955.
Right-Wing Parties are only a concern in the low populated Eastern German parts. I assure you, in Bavaria we have not forgotten Munich 1972. When Israel took care of the heads behind it pretty much every German applauded.
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The real reason is that Zionists and Western powers wanted to use Israel to colonize and subjugate the region and also solve Europe’s “Jewish problem”, a new iteration of the Crusader states.
“We should there form a portion of a rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism. We should as a neutral State remain in contact with all Europe, which would have to guarantee our existence.” – Theodor Herzl
Quote source:
The belford declaration was signed for 3 reasons:
the christians at the time thought that by sending jews to the holy land will bring forth their messiah and the world will end.
europe (including britain) had a lot of anti-semites, and the creation of israel meant that there would be less jews in europe.
britain wanted a buffer state/intermediate state between themselves and india so they can influence and subjugate those regions more effectively.
The only jew in the british parliament opposed both the declaration and herzl’s idea of zionism. In fact jewish community themselves opposed zionism but then hitler came to power which caused many jews to change their opinions.
This is so disgusting. I never wanted to visit Israel even if it was for $free, but now I have even less respect for those Zionist assholes, and I had low respect for them before.
The colonization power couldn’t say the word ceasefire. I don’t think the can say the word genocide.
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That defence holds about such water as a colander. There is so much evidence to the contrary that it boggles the mind. They have bombed hospitals, schools,
bomb shelters,kettled the entire population into a tiny parcel of land in the southernmost tip of the country while they finish levelling the rest of Palestine, and stopped all aid, journalists, water, and food entering the country. And then to add insult to injury they bomb the safe zones.A country’s right to defend itself does not extend to this. This isn’t defence.
Do they expect the civilians with blown off limbs in bombed-out hospitals to walk to these not-so-safe zones? How do they expect the entire population to survive in these cramped conditions with no access to critical food, water, and medicine heading into winter? (Hint: they don’t.)
Thank you for saying this.
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bomb shelters
can you provide a source for this
So…even if they didn’t, you’d be fine with the hospitals, schools, safe zones, etc? Just because of one fuckin flimsy ass excuse from Israel? And have you seen proof of every school, hospital, et al that’s been bombed being used by Hamas? Are you not asking for proof of that? But when the people are being fuckin slaughtered, you need proof that EVERY SINGLE FUCKIN safe haven had been leveled before you fuckin stand up for the people facing a goddamn genocide? Wheat the fuck is wrong with you
But fine.
I have heard from attacks on schools, hospitals, and safe zones. These were all used by combatants and thus legal military objectives under international humanitarian law.
I have never even heard of bomb shelters existing for civilians in Gaza.
…do you even hear yourself?
Don’t engage with troll. They are either bot, or have no plan to engage in any form of discussion instead utilities your time, to read news or maybe send letter or share the news with people around you. It is more productive to stop the genocide than talking to a bot or an idiot online.
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Can you provide a source for this?
For many months we have heard claims of imminent death starvation of millions and that evacuation from Rafah would be impossible. These claims didn’t materialize.
I mean, evacuation is impossible at this point isnt it? Where would they go? Back to the levelled north? Force their way into Egypt? The fact that they aren’t all dead yet doesn’t disprove that Israel’s intent is to cause it, they just haven’t finished yet.
That’s not a bomb shelter.
Force their way into Egypt
Why doesn’t Egypt open the border? Why is there no evacuation of refugees by sea?
Oh sorry, I misread the article. It turns out Israel bombed a school that was situated in a refugee camp. It was being used as a shelter, that’s much better.
But I looked into it and apparently Gaza doesn’t have bomb shelters, so it would be hard for Israel to bomb them, I suppose. Too expensive to build while embargoed and not prioritised by their government, I will strike that from my comment.
Why doesn’t Egypt open the border?
There are many reasons why they are reluctant. Do you think Egypt has the facilities to house and feed 2.2 million refugees? Does any country?
Why should Palestinians be forced to leave when Israel insist they will not allow them to return to their homeland?
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Because they don’t want to finish like kadhaffi
Hamas only exists because of the Apartheid Occupation of Israel and the daily violence that has subjected Palestinians to for generations. Israel has always been the obstacle for peace, and has been the one preventing a ceasefire.
De-development via the Gaza Occupation
Between July 1971 and February 1972, Sharon enjoyed considerable success. During this time, the entire Strip (apart from the Rafah area) was sealed off by a ring of security fences 53 miles in length, with few entrypoints. Today, their effects live on: there are only three points of entry to Gaza—Erez, Nahal Oz, and Rafah.
Perhaps the most dramatic and painful aspect of Sharon’s campaign was the widening of roads in the refugee camps to facilitate military access. Israel built nearly 200 miles of security roads and destroyed thousands of refugee dwellings as part of the widening process.’ In August 1971, for example, the Israeli army destroyed 7,729 rooms (approximately 2,000 houses) in three vola- tile camps, displacing 15,855 refugees: 7,217 from Jabalya, 4,836 from Shati, and 3,802 from Rafah.
- Page 105
Through 1993 Israel imposed a one-way system of tariffs and duties on the importation of goods through its borders; leaving Israel for Gaza, however, no tariffs or other regulations applied. Thus, for Israeli exports to Gaza, the Strip was treated as part of Israel; but for Gazan exports to Israel, the Strip was treated as a foreign entity subject to various “non-tariff barriers.” This placed Israel at a distinct advantage for trading and limited Gaza’s access to Israeli and foreign markets. Gazans had no recourse against such policies, being totally unable to protect themselves with tariffs or exchange rate controls. Thus, they had to pay more for highly protected Israeli products than they would if they had some control over their own economy. Such policies deprived the occupied territories of significant customs revenue, estimated at $118-$176 million in 1986.
- page 240
In a report released in May 2015, the World Bank revealed that as a result of Israel’s blockade and OPE, Gaza’s manufacturing sector shrank by as much as 60% over eight years while real per capita income is 31 percent lower than it was 20 years ago. The report also stated that the blockade alone is responsible for a 50% decrease in Gaza’s GDP since 2007. Furthermore, OPE (combined with the tunnel closure) exacerbated an already grave situation by reducing Gaza’s economy by an additional $460 million.
Page 402
The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-Development - Third Edition by Sara M. Roy
Blockade, including Aid
Hamas began twenty years into the occupation during the first Intifada, with the goal of ending the occupation. Collective punishment has been a deliberate Israeli tactic for decades with the Dahiya doctrine. Violence such as suicide bombings and rockets escalated in response to Israeli enforcement of the occupation and apartheid.
After the ‘disengagement’ in 2007, this turned into a full blockade; where Israel has had control over the airspace, borders, and sea. Under the guise of ‘dual-use’ Israel has restricted food, allocating a minimum supply leading to over half of Gaza being food insecure; construction materials, medical supplies, and other basic necessities have also been restricted.
The blockade and Israel’s repeated military offensives have had a heavy toll on Gaza’s essential infrastructure and further debilitated its health system and economy, leaving the area in a state of perpetual humanitarian crisis. Indeed, Israel’s collective punishment of Gaza’s civilian population, the majority of whom are children, has created conditions inimical to human life due to shortages of housing, potable water and electricity, and lack of access to essential medicines and medical care, food, educational equipment and building materials.
- Amnesty International Report pg 26-27
Peace Process and Solution
Both Hamas and Fatah have agreed to a Two-State solution based on the 1967 borders for decades. Oslo and Camp David were used by Israel to continue settlements in the West Bank and maintain an Apartheid, while preventing any actual Two-State solution
How Avi Shlaim moved from two-state solution to one-state solution
‘One state is a game changer’: A conversation with Ilan Pappe
One State Solution, Foreign Affairs
Hamas proposed a full prisoner swap as early as Oct 8th, and agreed to the US proposed UN Permanent Ceasefire Resolution. Additionally, Hamas has already agreed to no longer govern the Gaza Strip, as long as Palestinians receive liberation and a unified government can take place.
Israel justifies nearly every attack on civilians with the lie of ‘human shields’
Human Shields
Intentionally utilizing the presence of civilians or other protected persons to render certain areas immune from military attack is prohibited under international law. Amnesty International was not able to establish whether or not the fighters’ presence in the camps was intended to shield themselves from military attacks. However, under international humanitarian law, even if one party uses “human shields”, or is otherwise unlawfully endangering civilians, this does not absolve the opposing party from complying with its obligations to distinguish between military objectives and civilians or civilian objects, to refrain from carrying out indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks, and to take all feasible precautions to spare civilians and civilian objects.
Additionally, there is extensive independent verification of Israel using Palestinians as Human Shields:
Including Children (2013 Report)
Israel “Systematically” Uses Gaza Children as Human Shields, Rights Group Finds 2024
Breaking The Silence - Testimonies from IDF Veterans
Deliberate Attacks on Civilians
Israel deliberately targets civilian areas. From in general with the Dahiya Doctrine to multiple systems deployed in Gaza to do so:
The Dahiya Doctrine & Israel’s Use of Disproportionate Force
‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza
Israel also targets Israeli Soldiers and Civilians to prevent them being leveraged as hostages, known as the Hannibal Directive. Which was also used on Oct 7th.
Hamas gained popularity and notoriety during the Oslo peace process by suicide bombings and being fundamentally opposed to any peace deal with Israel. They only exist because of intransigence and inability to compromise among Palestinians.
For many months we have heard claims of imminent death starvation of millions and that evacuation from Rafah would be impossible. These claims didn’t materialize
Just thousands of deaths from starvation, not millions, totally not a genocide. /s
You mean the ones they bombed the following day? They followed evacuation orders. An Israeli airstrike killed them the next day.
You can’t be that naive, honestly
Thats actually a tool of genocide. The whole point of creating the gas chambers was to create an efficient genocide machine. The guards who took the prisoners to the chambers were different from guards who took the bodies. The guards who interacted with the prisoners weren’t allowed to decide who got to live and who did not.
All in all, the chambers gave the guards a sense of “we are just following orders” feeling thus lessening their guilt. Because no matter how cruel it is, the humans will feel guilt.
The calling for evacuation is also a similar tool to lessen the guilt of the soldiers. Afterall, those people who died were told to evacuate therefore their death is on their hands.
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Did you even read my comment? Im not saying there are gas chamber level thing happening in gaza, i used it as an analogy
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True it’s closer to the einsatzgruppen
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Israel declaring everyone should just leave is great and everything but where is safe for them to go?
Its just, to me, the only places they seem to be able to go that might be safe are outside of Palestine but maybe I’m just being cynical.
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Palestine’s border crossings are controlled by Israel. Early on, Israel stopped allowing border crossing. To the point that a major international concern was the inability for any aid trucks to enter. Additionally, movement within the West Bank has been heavily restricted by Israel’s checkpoints. And Israel has for a very long time actively denied Palestinian refugees the right to return to their homes if they do leave. If it is difficult to understand why this sort of forced movement and controlled borders is an issue, I encourage you to read up on the Trail of Tears and South African Apartheid.
Movement and Access in the West Bank | August 2023 West Bank movement restrictions make life harder for residents and aid organisations
Gaza has a border with Egypt.
And Egypt’s borders were not completely open. In part, because they did were not aiding Israel doing a forced displacement of Palestinian citizens. As a reminder, the forcible removal of a people, in whole or in part, is one of the kinds of genocide. Perhaps you might want to consider why you’re advocating for the forced displacement of an entire people. Why Egypt has not fully opened its Gaza border for fleeing Palestinians
Allowing civilians to evacuate from warzones is required under international humanitarian law.
Gazans should be able to decide themselves if they want to stay or leave.
Its sad how western colonial imperialists will try describe ethnic cleansing as a good or necessary thing.
As I suggested, the idea is and always has been to force palestinians out from Palestine, so they can be denied the right to ever return to thier homeland
In the exact way Israel has done to thousands of palestinians before and were all supposed to pretend we can’t see exactly what we’re looking at.
Also, “war” implies either side could win. This isn’t a war, its ethnic cleansing, for the express purpose of illegally colonising stolen land.
And then they bombed the place they said were gonna be safe.
That is what “genocide” means.
And no political consequences.
In fact it’s anti-Semitic to investigate or charge these war crimes.
You forgot a ‘not’ in there — German government
I would not be surprised if they did that - and then continued their way south. Israel is clearly out to exterminate the Palestinian people by any means possible, from outright shooting and bombing them to starving them and killing them by witholding medical services.
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If they would nuke Gaza, they could not occupy it to the Israeli settlers, which are already distributing that land among themselves.
Pushing them around like that keeps them from accessing food, rest, shelter, and medication. It is a tried and tested method used by evil governments all over the earth. Look up “Trail of Tears”. Gaza is the same, just with a forth and back movement. Any Gaza inhabitant that dies of these conditions saves an IDF bullet, and they can claim “it wasn’t us!”.
“It wasn’t or isn’t ‘genocide,’ because …” They may enter definitional or rhetorical argumentation.
“It was self defense” The killing of civilians, especially able bodied males is rationalized in preemptive attack, as they are accused of plotting against the perpetrators. The perpetrator may exterminate witnesses and relatives of the victims.
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As a (very ashamed) person living in Israel (I find it hard to call myself Israeli) there is no maybe or what ifs about it, Bibi wants to kill every single Palestinian and the Kahanists (ex: Naftali Bennett) want to kill every Muslim. There is no excuse, Israel is a genocidal apartheid state. If I as a person living in Israel can acknowledge that then yall .world users absolutely have no excuse.
For this reason there is the “it’s antisemitic to criticise this war”
Heck even Jews have been accused to be antisemitic for criticising Israel.
We live in a post-facts era
At this point it’s like saying “Wait, you want to STOP the Holocaust? Do you just hate Germans or something?”
- It is not antisemitic to not support Israel
- It is not against the Israeli people to be antizionist
- Its especially neither to not support the Israeli government
Removed by mod * “Hardly anybody died”*
Your ass are legally liable for spreading denialism
Water is wet, UN Official Warns.
What the hell do you think 155mm artillery shells will do to a civilian population? Gaza is also being used to conceal Israel’s expansion in the West Bank.
They are not trying to conceal much anymore
That’s what the in situ mass graves are for. They don’t want the Israeli population to see all the bodies.
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Please don’t do that. Just report the post.
Both interpretations of the word “may” are applicable here.
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That’s being charitable. They’ve completely fabricated a statement and attributed it to Msuya. No wonder their “fact check” score is so low.
How? The title is not in quotes. The quoted statement is equivalent to the title, it simply highlights that it is Israel doing the killing. The only difference is passive vs active voice.
“The entire population of North Gaza is at risk of dying,” Msuya said. “Such blatant disregard for basic humanity and for the laws of war must stop."
OP, your post was great, and this comment was great. Thank you.
I don’t get it. MBFC is not credible so their opinion doesn’t matter.
The entire population in northern Gaza is at risk of dying according to a UN official. They are at risk of dying because Israel is besieging the north of Gaza, denying food and medical supplies, is bombing them in their shelters and hospitals, is arresting medical staff and killing civilians in all sorts of other cruel ways. That is, if they don’t starve to death or die while giving birth or from curable diseases or minor injuries.
They are dying because of Israel’s genocide. If you die in a genocide it’s because you’re being killed. So yeah the entire population of Gaza is at risk of being killed by Israel.
Using the premise that Israel is committing genocide you can see that it’s very easy to show that the two statements are equivalent.
Thank you for saying this.
The entire population of North Gaza is at risk of dying.
Quibbling over this not being a damning enough statement is ridiculous.
That isn’t how journalism works. If you say someone said something, they had better have really said that thing. You can’t twist and rephrase it willy-nilly. For example, I could twist your reply to say:
“Caring about factual reporting is ridiculous”
— SamvegaThe entire population of North Gaza is at risk of dying.
Quibbling over this not being a damning enough statement is ridiculous. Fuck anyone who pretends this isn’t so bad.
Histrionics and distorting the truth doesn’t help the cause at all. The other side can and will point to this as manipulation of the facts and use it to discredit the actual truth.
Histrionics and distorting the truth doesn’t help the cause at all.
It’s not a distortion of the truth to read “The entire population of North Gaza is at risk of dying” and write a headline of “Israel May Kill Every Palestinian Left in North Gaza, UN Official Warns”. Especially when the context of ‘at risk’ is “What Israeli forces are doing…”.
If I say your whole family is ‘at risk of’ being poisoned due to contaminants in the food in your house, a headline of “whole household may be poisoned” is completely accurate.
Unless you think ‘What Israeli forces are doing… at risk of dying’ means something else?
It’s not a distortion of the truth to read “The entire population of North Gaza is at risk of dying” and write a headline of “Israel May Kill Every Palestinian Left in North Gaza, UN Official Warns”.
Of course it is, when you’re claiming that somebody else actually said those words. If somebody tells you “XYZ” and you write that the person said “WXY” you don’t get to put their name on it and attribute those words to them.
With the full support of your government.
This is what I always say about Russia vs Israel.
Russia gives Ukrainians Russian citizenship and resettles them away from warzone with all the social security preserved.
Israel just wants to murder all Palestinians.
How can some people even see conflicts as the same category? Israel is doing straight genocide again stone age level opponents.
Isn’t that literally the Nethanyu plan?
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Trump would kill them twice /s
What would he do?
Without wading into morality, one thing I think is lost on people is that Israel is seen as the “big fish”, and while they certainly have more advanced weapons, they’re just a little dot, surrounded by countries that host millions of people that openly want to commit genocide against them. 2 billion muslims overall vs. 20 million jews. The number of muslims who would openly state they would murder every jew by their own hand if they could outnumbers the amount of jews that would say the same by a vast margin, so… its complicated. If you were encircled by those who were potentially able, and motivated to erase your existence you might make some very questionable decisions too, its easy to judge those decision from the other side of the world while not facing any danger.
That’s not true, that’s only a narrative used by Israel to justify it’s history of ethnic cleansing, and now a year of genocide. Zionism is not Judaism. Nor are Muslims antisemitic, which is an incredibly racist sentiment. Ethnic Cleansing has always been fundamental of Zionism and is the root of the conflict.
Origins of Zionism
Zionism is a settler colonialism project that was able to really start with the support of British Imperialism. Zionism as a political movement started with Theodore Herzl in the 1880s as a ‘modern’ way to ‘solve’ the ‘Jewish Question’ of Europe.
Since at least the 1860’s, Europe was increasingly antisemitic and hostile to Jewish people. Zionism was explicitly a Setter Colonialist movement and the native Palestinians were not considered People but Savages by the Europeans. While Zionist Colonization began before it, the Balfor Declaration is when Britain gave it’s backing of the movement in order to ‘solve’ the ‘Jewish Question’ while also creating a Colony in the newly conquered Middle East after WWI in order to exhibit military force in the region and extract natural resources.
That’s when Zionist immigration started to pick up, out of necessity for most as Europe became more hostile and antisemitic. That continued into and during WWII, European countries and even the US refused to expand immigration quotas for Jewish people seeking asylum. The idea that the creation of Israel is a reparation for Jewish people is an after-the-fact justification. While most Jewish immigrants had no choice and just wanted a place to live in peace, it was the Zionist Leadership that developed and implemented the forced transfer, ethnic cleansing, of the native population, Palestinians. Without any Occupation, Apartheid, and ethnic cleansing, there would not be any Palestinian resistance to it.
Herzl himself explicitly considered Zionism a Settler Colonialist project, Setter Colonialism is always violent. The difficulty in creating a democratic Jewish state in an area inhabited by people who are not Jewish, is that enough Palestinian people need to be ‘Transferred’ to have a demographic majority that is Jewish. Ben-Gurion explicitly rejected Secular Bi-national state solutions in favor of partition.
Zionism’s aims in Palestine, its deeply-held conviction that the Land of Israel belonged exclusively to the Jewish people as a whole, and the idea of Palestine’s “civilizational barrenness" or “emptiness” against the background of European imperialist ideologies all converged in the logical conclusion that the native population should make way for thenewcomers.
The idea that the Palestinian Arabs must find a place for themselves elsewhere was articulated early on. Indeed, the founder of the movement, Theodor Herzl, provided an early reference to transfer even before he formally outlined his theory of Zionist rebirth in his Judenstat.
An 1895 entry in his diary provides in embryonic form many of the elements that were to be demonstrated repeatedly in the Zionist quest for solutions to the “Arab problem ”-the idea of dealing with state governments over the heads of the indigenous population, Jewish acquisition of property that would be inalienable, “Hebrew Land" and “Hebrew Labor,” and the removal of the native population.
Settlements, Occupation, and Apartheid
Israel justifies the settlements and military bases in the West Bank in the name of Security. However, the reality of the settlements on-the-ground has been the cause of violent resistance and a significant obstacle to peace, as it has been for decades.
This type of settlement, where the native population gets ‘Transferred’ to make room for the settlers, is a long standing practice.
- The Transfer Committee, and the JNF Ethnic Cleansing, which led to Forced Displacement of 100,000 Palestinians throughout the mandate before the Nakba
The mass ethnic cleansing campaign of 1948:
Further, declassified Israeli documents show that the Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip were deliberately planned before being executed in 1967:
While the peace process was exploited to continue de-facto annexation of the West Bank via Settlements
The settlements are maintained through a violent apartheid that routinely employs violence towards Palestinians and denies human rights like water access, civil rights, etc. This kind of control gives rise to violent resistance to the Apartheid occupation, jeopardizing the safety of Israeli civilians.
The apartheid regime is based on organized, systemic violence against Palestinians, which is carried out by numerous agents: the government, the military, the Civil Administration, the Supreme Court, the Israel Police, the Israel Security Agency, the Israel Prison Service, the Israel Nature and Parks Authority, and others. Settlers are another item on this list, and the state incorporates their violence into its own official acts of violence. Settler violence sometimes precedes instances of official violence by Israeli authorities, and at other times is incorporated into them. Like state violence, settler violence is organized, institutionalized, well-equipped and implemented in order to achieve a defined strategic goal.
Visualizing the Ethnic Cleansing
Peace Process and Solution
Both Hamas and Fatah have agreed to a Two-State solution based on the 1967 borders for decades. Oslo and Camp David were used by Israel to continue settlements in the West Bank and maintain an Apartheid, while preventing any actual Two-State solution
How Avi Shlaim moved from two-state solution to one-state solution
‘One state is a game changer’: A conversation with Ilan Pappe
Historian Works on the History
Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History - Nur Masalha
The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948 - Nur Masalha
A History of Modern Palestine - Ilan Pappe
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine - Rashid Khalidi
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappe
The 1967 Arab-Israeli War: Origins and Consequences - Avi Shlaim
The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories - Ilan Pappe
The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-development - Sara Roy
10 Myths About Israel - Ilan Pappe (summery)
Israel chose this. They can move any time.
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