See e.g. - there are 2 communities listed there, both go to the same place if you click them, and that place has no posts from the last 3 days.

It almost looks like the existence of the second version of that community - changed mere seconds ago at the time of my writing this, except again, when you click the link it doesn’t show anything new for several days - is soaking up all the new posts, but since it is inaccessible by the normal means those new entities cannot be accessed.

This is my favorite spot in the Fediverse, so I hope it is addressed soon! That community in particular is doing great work to make the Fediverse fun & welcoming to come to by all us nerds:-).

    5 months ago

    so “creating” it if the ID were to ever not be found would lead to… well, it could have lead to exactly something like this, actually?

    Yeah. It’s just one theory as to what’s happened - something like a ‘delete post in this community’ has come in, and PieFed hasn’t been able to find the community, so it’s happily created a new one. I don’t know why it would be able to find the community, but I’ll look into preventing this kind of occurrence.

    It might not be what’s actually happened here: it’s something for Rimu to solve really (he has direct access to everything). Edit: ignore me, he’s just answered, lol.