• BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    The only answer is money and being able to get away safely with my dogs without being harassed endlessly for the rest of my life with threats and abuse and maybe even lawsuits. I was on the cusp of leaving in 2015 when I was in a position of more power and he threatened to sue me for money, and he’d have his siblings who he is estranged from testify on his behalf about his childhood so the judge would take his side against me because he wasn’t responsible for what he did you me, or something like that. I have exactly zero money to do anything about this.

    Sometimes I realize when he’s screaming at me that he has a underground river of insanity running through him that he conceals mostly through artful manipulation and mostly not having relationships with others.

    If I don’t get money I cannot get away.

    • cheese_greater@lemmy.worldOP
      4 months ago

      Whats the magic amount of money that you estimate you need?

      Whats your current housing situation, rent or own?

          • BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            Debt repayment, finding housing, replacing all furniture and kitchenware and vehicle and all I would need to set up house, and to have any hope of ever retiring. I am not good with money so this may be incorrect, but I’d also need to pay a lawyer and probably get a restraining order.

            • cheese_greater@lemmy.worldOP
              4 months ago

              Might I suggest debt should be the last of your worries? Is there any way you would consider filing for bankruptcy or consumer proposal after and only after you get your housing sorted out and you get settled in?

              The retiring thing is something that you may need to take a step back from for now and prioritize getting out of there and getting reestablished. Even if worst case scenario you never end up being able to swing retirement, the peace and functionality you will gain being out of that environment you’re in far outweighs the compromises you may have to realistically establish.

              Does your rental have last month’s rent paid up?

              I’ll be honest with you: what you have described as your living situation is horrifying and I want you to understand that many people have likely been even more poorly resourced when they made that decision to get out or their hand was forced.

              Have been in a bad living situation myself I had to get out of and I didn’t even have a car! 😅And tons of crushing debt to boot. But I found a room, luckily had my rent deposit saved cuz last month’s prepaid and I hired a random guy to help move my shit and pet. It sucked not having my own place but I needed to get stabilized and back to work so it was a lilly pad I needed to nest on temporarily until I bided my time and was ready to apppy for my own apartment.

              I’m curious if you could look on your local classifieds website/Craigslist or whatever and see if there’s someone who needs a roomate in a place you can deal with and make that your first baby step towards getting the heck outta there?

              If you have your job secure, thats an enormous advantage :) It will be the lever that helps you jaws of life yourself out of this economically and as a support

              Your hopefully soon to be ex partner sounds like they are going to be absolutely fucked when you ditch their sorry ass for safety 😅 But you dont have to worry about them, just need to focus on your next moves and the chessgame necessary to get all the pieces in place to checkmate yourself out that game

              • BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                Thank you. I’m so very overwhelmed with all of this and I’m also only scratching the surface of how bad it all is; I can’t really find the ability to concentrate on all the details anymore. It’s just like endless waves of trauma washing over me and I’m so numb I don’t even notice. I cannot cry anymore, and I just try to make the best out of my days without getting into anything with him. It’s so hard to even review with my therapist because I shut out most of the details. Also I work two jobs, about 11 hours a weekday and 6-8 hours on weekends, and it just makes it hard to accomplish anything or fix anything or feel anything but trying to power through. I hope I can escape too.

                • cheese_greater@lemmy.worldOP
                  4 months ago

                  I understand, that sounds incredibly harrowing.

                  I’ll leave you with step one which is

                  1. find a listing for a room in a safe place thats away from your partner and preferably close to work or within commuting range.

                  Thats all you need to think about for now, just do that for me and keep your chin up best you can. Night 🤫 stay safe

                • nikaaa@lemmy.world
                  3 months ago

                  May I suggest something?

                  In some countries (like Germany) they have special hotels which are essentially free or low-cost, which have the sole purpose of helping women or people in a difficult, abusive relationship gather some distance from their abusive partner. In German they’re called “Frauenhäuser” (women’s houses). Maybe such a thing exists where you live, too?

                  • BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.world
                    3 months ago

                    Thank you. Unfortunately people with unstable housing live in tents in parks here. I don’t think such shelters exist