
    4 months ago

    A non vote is a vote, a vote against an elecotral system that doesn’t work. The fact that said system ignores non voters is a fault in democracy, not in the people.

    Now, i can agree with saying “look, this candidate is so much worse that it’s worth it to go even if you don’t like it” What i don’t agree with is telling people that are OBJECTIVELY right in not wanting to be part of endorsing a genocider that they are like nazis, that the world is gonna crumble because of them.

    Maybe if you tried to understand their point of view they might change their minds. That is the problem with you americans, like good patriarchs everything is a binary and if you do not think the same as me you’re automatically the worst interpretation of my enemy. You yourself might have not beahved like this, and i appreciate it, but most people in these comments automatically assumed that I wouldn’t vote or that I would encourage others to not do it.

    I am just saying, stop being so judgemental when you don’t really know people’s reasoning for what they choose to do. People hate this attitude and the DEM party constantly uses it. No wonder they lose when it matters the most.