In 2016, we warned that Hillary Clinton’s campaign was not resonating with Americans. In 2024, we warned about Kamala Harris, and we were ignored again. Now, the worst has happened. So, what do we do? A leftist analysis can help us chart a path forward.
Fucking seriously though. I can see the frustration with the DNC, but some form of action is a hell of a lot better than the total dismantle of America as it is right now. These people could have easily looked into Kamala’s policies that show quite a few good ideas, and a few that I personally didn’t jive with (increase child tax credits, while the people like me and my partner are staunchly against having children that will grow into a world on fire, get absolutely nothing). Didn’t stop me from voting for her though, you know why? Trump has NO plan (GOOD plan, they’ve got PLENTY of bad plans lined up for us all!). AT ALL. So, America’s idiots STILL chose this orange buffoon, with no plans at all, just sparkly words, and now we are really sitting here and trying to blame Harris, who only had 107 days to get her message out there? Come on, Lemmy. I thought you were better than this…
The government allowed lies to be told on TV and on the internet under the guise of news. There were no real consequences to those who had listeners and repeated foreign government talking points for money. We have not seen any real investigation on how much interference was ran on social media.
Nearly every human being believes that they are a good person making rational decisions, so its important to examine the environment around these people to where they can believe they made the right choice when it comes to electing Trump and sadly, it seems our mostly unregulated free speech that let it happen, because the republican party is more organized and effective in communicating their platform and slandering their opponents than democrats are, and they motivated more people to vote than the democrats could as a result. Anger and hate are strong emotions and motivators, and unfortunately the republicans keep on using them and it keeps on working.
I have no idea what you’re blaming Lemmy on, if anything I’d expect the userbase here to be more active and left-leaning voters than average. People have a good reason to be frustrated, and I think pointing that frustration at the only alternative option we had for a political party failing election after election to learn how to communicate and how to deliver on what the people really want is a reasonable take.
I agree.
I agree.
I’m basically pointing out how senseless some of these comments have been, on almost every single post about either Harris, Walz, or the DNC. The biggest problem this election, that we know of as of yet, was the absence of votes, and white men and women, Latino men and women, voting against a women of color.
The people here may be left-leaning, or at least say they are, but they have nothing but shit takes trying to blame Harris for a shit campaign. They actively chose to allow a fucking criminal to determine the future of their country. It is really quite a take, considering that she actually had policies, told you where to find them, and was CONSTANTLY berated on interviews and shit. Trump got softball questions, and no matter fucking what, he always got away with every single stupid and evil thing he did or said.
Also completely fair, I’ll shake hands with you on that.
You realize that you need people to have children if you want to keep having a doctor or firemen or farmers and so on? Child credits benefit you even if they don’t go in your pockets directly.
You’re the exact type of person that prevents social programs from being implemented, if it doesn’t benefits you directly then no one should get the benefits.
Can you go over my comment one more time, and point to me where I said I was against the credit completely? As in, I said I didn’t think it deserved to be there at all?
You said your “don’t jive” with such measures because it doesn’t concern you as a childless person, I’m telling you it’s ridiculous to “not jive” with such measures because you still need people to have kids even if you don’t have them yourself. You don’t like a measure that benefits you because you are too self centered to realize it does.
Oof. Bad take, bad take.
Here’s the thing, I can still not personally like something, complain about not ever getting anything myself as a single non married person, while still voting for the person and that policy because I know it benefits the greater good.
You don’t seem to realize that people can dislike something, and feel left out of policies like these, but still support it for the greater good.
Next time before you call someone fucking self centered, how about getting more details.
Fucking asshole. Have a terrible terrible day today.
That’s the thing though, you are getting something from it! But because others are getting money and you’re getting something that isn’t money you can’t see it and therefore dislike the project!
Who’s got a bad take here? The person disliking social safety nets or the person disliking them when it isn’t a direct advantage to them?
You’re part of a community, when people suffer you feel the consequences, when people do better you do better. Get your head out of your ass.
Fucking stupid. Lol
Prove me wrong if I’m so stupid.
Child poverty leads to people who don’t get as much education which leads to people voting against their own best interest like they did a few days ago.
Are you going to pretend you won’t feel any consequences of that?
Less education leads to people being less healthy which leads to higher healthcare costs that comes out of your pockets.
Are you going to pretend you don’t feel any consequences of that?
This will be the last time I reply, okay? I do not have the energy to explain myself to some fucking fool with no reading comprehension. I’ll put it as simple as possible.
Just because I do not agree with something 100%, does not mean that I do not support it 100%.
If you had any reading comprehension skills, you’d have noted during my first comment I asked you where I said I didn’t think the credit deserved to exist at all. You never did that, by the way. You started blabbering about shit I already understand and support. That is precisely why I called you stupid. I never said it did not deserve to exist. I said I voted for Kamala anyway, because I understand the greater good. What are you not fucking getting?
Imagine that. A “leftist” who immediately attacked another actual left leaning person, because for some stupid fucking reason, they read an entire paragraph, and only came through with the sentence “that don’t jive with me, personally”. That’s it. That’s all it was. I didn’t agree with it completely, but still supported it.
That, in my opinion, is why I think you’re terrible about getting your “point” across. You had no point, because you went on the basis of a part of a huge paragraph, without even looking at the rest and digesting that and fully taking it in.