Chegg wasn’t much better from what I remember. Right before my Discrete Structures II Final, my professor found most of our assignments posted and answered on Chegg. Instead of getting angry, he explained problem by problem everything the “Chegg experts” got wrong.
And that doesn’t even get into planted incorrect answers. I’m pretty sure our computer science department would deliberately answer relevant chegg questions incorrectly. If you use that specific incorrect answer and work they know you cheated.
ChatGPT solves all of this and I bet it does so with about the same quality as Chegg. I’m not saying I don’t think AI dumb. I’m saying Chegg was also kinda dumb.
Yep, AI has been shown to create sources (books/websites/etc.) names out of just pieces of the question asked and do it with the confidence that it’s real.
AI is great a bullshitting.
Chegg wasn’t much better from what I remember. Right before my Discrete Structures II Final, my professor found most of our assignments posted and answered on Chegg. Instead of getting angry, he explained problem by problem everything the “Chegg experts” got wrong.
And that doesn’t even get into planted incorrect answers. I’m pretty sure our computer science department would deliberately answer relevant chegg questions incorrectly. If you use that specific incorrect answer and work they know you cheated.
ChatGPT solves all of this and I bet it does so with about the same quality as Chegg. I’m not saying I don’t think AI dumb. I’m saying Chegg was also kinda dumb.
It really seems like they could quote sources.
But if they did that it’d be way easier to detect the plagiarism and they’d be liable for tons of copyright infringement.
I have no proof of this, just a hunch/consiracy.
Some supposedly do, and then have been found hallucinating non-existent ones.
Yep, AI has been shown to create sources (books/websites/etc.) names out of just pieces of the question asked and do it with the confidence that it’s real.