natural fats are generally healthy and keeps you satisfied for longer and in a less crashy way as opposed to sugars/carbohydrates in general

I feel like I experience a reduced need to eat and snack when my food includes natural fats, especially when in combination with protein. To put it very simply, I’m persuaded the more healthy fats, the better, they should not be limited or demonized in the way that they have been maligned when sugar was the greater evil all along

    4 months ago

    Just to sideways add-on: as we know, unhealthy stuff can sometimes be replaced and upgraded with something else. Let’s take white rice. It so happens that there are other grains that are more nutritious and fibre-rich than even brown or wild rice. It also steps around the issue or rice naturally containing arsenic, which could be an issue for rice lovers. Substitutes might be things like barley and wheat berries.

    Personally I’ve found steel-cut oats to be my very favorite rice replacement. Very nutritious, and I even prefer the flavor. They also naturally have a nice, calming quality, not unlike hops, valerian, skullcap, etc.

    How to use? Well, SC oats can seamlessly replace rice 1:1 in soups & stews, no problemo. As a side dish, one will probably want to rinse them after cooking, as it can get a little slimey, a bit like sushi rice.

    Yes, people seem to commonly associate “oats” with breakfast, but steel-cut oats are a different beast than rolled oats. They taste significantly different due to being whole, and less processed. Give it a try if you’re daring, and I think you might be pleasantly surprised!