Running joplin server in docker with an nginx reverse proxy. Android and windows clients sync fine. IOS doesn’t, but I gather that this is due to IOS not allowing insecure connections (too lazy to set up SSL), not anything the app is doing. Just installed on my KDE Neon machine and set up the sync. For some reason it is only doing a partial sync. None of my notebooks are coming through, and only the few most recently touched files show under the default all notes notebook. I got the same results on the snap and flatpak versions. I do encrypt my notes, and the few that are syncing correctly are all decrypting properly. The delete local data and re-download option yielded the same results. I’ve confirmed that the notes and notebooks are still on the server correctly by syncing my working devices. I can create a new issue in github if needed, just wanted to see if this is a known bug first.

UPDATE: to ensure the integrity of my database information, I used the re-upload local data to sync target option from my up to date windows machine. This attempt threw http error 413: payload too large. Adding the following line to my nginx.conf file (in the server block) fixed the issue. I went with 20 megabytes, you may wish to adjust this if you put large attachments in your notes. I believe the default is 1 megabyte.

client_max_body_size 20M;

  • David From
    4 months ago

    I haven’t seen that before, sounds like a bug report may be in order; maybe first look under the ‘Encryption’ section.

    Under ‘Encryption’, check to make sure it shows your password is valid, and see if the number of decrypted items matches your other devices? Also, at one time I managed to have several encryption keys, see if it only lists the one or multiple.

    4 months ago

    Do you have a lot of notes? It could just be that it needs time to process. I just set up an arch laptop (btw) and when I installed Joplin, it took a long time to sync everything. I’ve Got around 1000 notes.

    My setup is the same as yours, except I did set up the SSL cert for my Joplin server instance.