I had Fzero for game cube and that game was awesome. 10/10
F-Zero GX is still one of my favorite racing games. The cross-progression with the arcade version, F-Zero AX, was also really cool, though it was nearly impossible trying to find one of those machines. I found one in Vegas a long time ago and it was a blast. Probably not worth the $5 per credit, though, but still very fun.
I really wish Nintendo would revisit the series again. Or at the very least, let another studio make one. It’s been too long.
Nintendo: We won’t make a new game, until there’s new innovation, and new avenues of creativity to explore.
Also Nintendo: It’s Mario Party 15, ya’ll!!!
Nintendo: We won’t make a new game, until there’s new innovation, and new avenues of creativity to explore.
Who do they think they are, Valve?
(And to be clear, it isn’t okay for Valve to have that attitude, either. I want my Half-Life story conclusion, damn it!)
Mario Kart 8’s gimmick barely counts as one. The game would be completely fine without anti-gravity, it’s barely noticeable most of the time. And of course, it’s not even new, it had existed forever in Wipeout and… F-Zero X/GX. It was just not a thing yet in Mario Kart.
They didn’t innovate for Mario Kart 8. They just made an exceptional entry, probably my favorite one in the whole series.
But for some reason, nah, after 2 decades without a game F-Zero needs to kickstart the next era of video games or whatever.
IMO Mario Kart 7 is a better game than MK8.
IMO 7 has a good part of what makes 8 good, especially better item balance (which had already been improved a bit in Wii, but not enough). And I really liked some of the tracks, though some of the linear ones did not convince me, including Rainbow Road.
But 8’s tracks just blew my mind, both the originals and the heavily reimagined classic ones. And the ones from the DLC were even better (well, fuck Baby Park). 200CC being thrown in as a patch was refreshing too. The only thing that was not great and I know was not well received was the loss of actual battle arenas (fixed in 8 deluxe), but since I almost never play those I didn’t care much.
I would have loved for 8D’s pass to be in the same vein as the base tracks, even if it had a lot fewer, instead of hastily recycling Tour content. They clearly went for quantity over quality for those. And the city tracks feel awful to play IMO.
I’d personally vote MK, especially on SNES, but agree with everyone else - they’re very different types of racing games.
Both. They may be both racer but that’s the only similarity.
I really wish for a successor to F-Zero GX/AX. Perhaps on the Switch 2?
Unless they can make a new “gimmick” then it won’t get greenlit.
Yeah I remember that interview. It’s such bullocks. The Gimmick would be easily online play or that you can actually play it on modern hardware.
Nintendo is still figuring out how to send emails, so I am doubtful on that one.
Mario Kart simply for the entertainment the split screen mode brings.
Not to take anything away from F-Zero. The sense of speed was amazing for a console game. I dare say no console racing game at the time provided the thrills it did.
Thrills? You want thrills? Get to that one god damned level on battletoads. Good good did that put you on the edge of your seat
I rented that game 4 times and never made it past that level. I’m convinced that no one ever did because it was an unfinished game where they just made the last level they had impossible to pass.
Heh. My brother’s and i have beat it.
It wasn’t so much unfinished as they decided the problems with that particular level were worth keeping as it was. Classic it’s not a bug it’s a feature. They decided it was acceptable and added to the game even if it was not intended by design
It just depends on which type of racing game you are in the mood for. Mario Kart is well, Mario Kart. F-Zero always felt more like the older, arcade style racer in the vein of Out Run.
Today I’d rather play F-Zero because its controls are more responsive, but there’s more to do in Super Mario Kart.
So WipEout, then?
Super Mario Kart just doesn’t control well. F-ZERO is a well-designed racing game, even today. It’s the only retro racer I’ve ever played with gameplay that feels natural. The series only got better over time, on top of that.
Not to mention how well the game runs, and how it doesn’t display at a squished aspect ratio.
EDIT: And F-ZERO has goated music.
F-Zero was more WOW but Mario Kart had staying power.
As a kid f-zero would be put on to mix it up after we’d played hours of Mario kart
F-Zero, despite the outdated hardware I still find it fun. Controls aren’t bad and I like most tracks. Super Mario Kart on the other hand feels outdated in terms of controls and track design.
Super Mario Kart. I never was a fan of FZero.
mario kart has more playability and fun factor; f-zero has more wow factor.
the problem with f-zero is that there’s less incentive to play again.
F-Zero. Super Mario Kart doesn’t hold up very well in my opinion, it’s successors did everything better.
I prefer F-Zero as it’s super fast, unique and fun, but Super Mario Kart is also pretty good and has multiplayer. Both have classic music and a very memorable look.
Mario Kart 64 and F-Zero X are far superior to both. Never got into the originals. The flatness of Mode 7 was a major turnoff for me as a kid in the 90s. So I waited for 3D on consoles to get better and look more like the 3D I’ve seen on PCs and in the arcade, before I begged my parents for a console for Christmas.