They wanted to ally with the British. They ended up fighting them and losing.
Also the price the Americans could manufacture things at really controlled the war. The Americans saved the war for the small price of: them becoming the richest country in the world, lending huge amounts of money that wouldn’t be paid of for generations, completely destroying the competition including close allies in a way that’s never been done before or since, changing the world order in their favour. From a “Jewified” country maybe Hitler should have expected that.
They wanted to ally with the British. They ended up fighting them and losing.
Also the price the Americans could manufacture things at really controlled the war. The Americans saved the war for the small price of: them becoming the richest country in the world, lending huge amounts of money that wouldn’t be paid of for generations, completely destroying the competition including close allies in a way that’s never been done before or since, changing the world order in their favour. From a “Jewified” country maybe Hitler should have expected that.
Imagine losing a battle against a small island