I know memory is fairly cheap but e.g. there are millions of new videos on youtube everyday, each probably few hundred MBs to few GBs. It all has to take enormous amount of space. Not to mention backups.
I know memory is fairly cheap but e.g. there are millions of new videos on youtube everyday, each probably few hundred MBs to few GBs. It all has to take enormous amount of space. Not to mention backups.
Absolutely huge data centers.
A full third of my towns real estate is currently covered with a sprawling Google data center. Just enormous.
I lived in Herndon VA for work for a while.
Was so nice gaming with 2 ping.
One of the largest.
I love driving through it when I go up to Winchester. Data center galore.
I can’t fathom that amount stored there in addition to the amount of data traffic occurring. Those fibers are on fire; coming in the centers in 3 foot tubes! For some reason they don’t appear on google image search. ;)