I know memory is fairly cheap but e.g. there are millions of new videos on youtube everyday, each probably few hundred MBs to few GBs. It all has to take enormous amount of space. Not to mention backups.
I know memory is fairly cheap but e.g. there are millions of new videos on youtube everyday, each probably few hundred MBs to few GBs. It all has to take enormous amount of space. Not to mention backups.
Doesn’t BR only have like 100 gigs capacity? That would take a shitton of space.
They use tapes for backups, but indeed there ought to be something inbetween.
This is an article from 2015 where Facebook/Meta was exploring Blu-ray for their DCs. You’re definitely right though. Tape is key as the longest term storage.
2015 was quite a while ago tho.