Do we at this point have any substantial data on just how many users Reddit actually lost due to this?
Any resources would be greatly appreciated.
As a sidenote, I’ll add that they certainly lost my account the second I couldn’t use RiF anymore.
Do we at this point have any substantial data on just how many users Reddit actually lost due to this?
Any resources would be greatly appreciated.
As a sidenote, I’ll add that they certainly lost my account the second I couldn’t use RiF anymore.
The Active Users Ratio graph is not filling me with hope - if I’m reading it correctly there isn’t increased activity, just increased sign ups.
Let’s argue about the lack of activity so we can generate activity!
“Fuck you, I will do no such thing” he said. Cunningly marking his first post on the new platform.
I’m not hating what I’ve accidentally caused here
That is utterly ridiculous! Your first post shouldn’t be created to squabble. This is not reddit!
I want to comment and submit content, I just feel like I don’t have anything of value to share. That tends to be why I lurk. Not sure if that’s the case for most other lurkers.
Yeah we’d need to know post rate % or avg posts per posting user to understand what’s up.
Maybe 40% of reddit is lurkers? Maybe 5%?
yea i feel the same way. heck, the only reason I’m leaving this comment is just to prove your point
That’s certainly the reason I mainly lurk, I don’t have anything of value to add at the moment. When I do I definitely plan to create some content.
I was mostly a lurker on reddit, but as others have inspired me to do, I comment and have made a couple of posts to help generate content.
Most definitely the case for a lot of lurkers.
Total users have sky rocketed and iirc like 90% of users/people who log in to say vote, save and subscribe to communities are lurkers. Hell, I’ve been “lurking” since I’ve signed up.
Since there’s such a spike in users, and prior to the Reddit death, most users were power users. I’m surprised that the active user ratio didn’t decrease. (My 90% lurker figure would give a 0.1 ratio). The fact it near increased by .05 instead is wild.