After being harassed in multiple discord channels by powermod FlyingSquid the news mod blackbeard has shuttered his account and moved to bluesky.

"The recklessness with which people downvote polite disagreements reminds me of all the worst parts of Reddit, and it proves to me that this isn’t the social media savior I’d hoped it would be, and is instead just another echo chamber. I hope eventually (and the fediverse more broadly) can grow out of that, but some of the behavior I’ve seen on the inside from both mods and admins doesn’t really inspire much confidence for that kind of evolution in the short term. "

FlyingSquid is the same mod who has the power to siteban people from

Why does keep having issues with their powermods and admins? Why do powermods get the ability to siteban their enemies from the largest instance?

    3 months ago

    Full disclosure, I tend to agree with FlyingSquid in the instance that kicked all of this off. I don’t have a clear opinion of them as a mod, but personally I wish the LW mods would do a lot more about the “Kamala Harris = Hitler” type of misinformation that gets a free pass on a lot of LW.

    FlyingSquid comes across as perfectly reasonable in this conversation. Their arguments that another mod thanked them for reporting stuff, that it’s two reports over the course of two weeks a week which is hardly excessive, and then when the two people couldn’t see eye to eye, they said they just wouldn’t flag anything, sounds all perfectly reasonable and sensible. For some reason that wasn’t okay, and the conversation got personal, with Blackbeard constantly posting these aggrieved attacks about how FlyingSquid was being childish if he didn’t continue to report things in someone else’s community occasionally, but never anything that the mods there thought was not worthy of removal. And then petulantly refusing to say something along the lines of, “Of course you’re welcome to post there if you want” when asked repeatedly if it was okay for them to just post and participate still.

    I haven’t seen any Discord harassment, so maybe I missed something, but if this is what gets posted as justification for why FlyingSquid is a terrible moderator, I suspect that the “harassment” is more of the same. Maybe it’s along the lines of “not saying exactly what I want you to say, or having conversation with other people where you say things I don’t want you to say.” People are allowed to disagree with each other over what is misinformation, or choose not to report content in someone else’s community if they get some hostile responses when they do. Trying to order someone else around and then getting personally insulting with them when they politely tell you “No, I don’t agree with how you see it,” is ridiculous.

    Edit: I don’t know why I said two weeks, it was one week.

      3 months ago

      I fully ack with this statement.

      There is a failure to settle what Misinformation is, FlyingSquid can’t be “more discerning about flagging/reporting” that Blackbeard wished him to do. YET Blackbeard failed to answer FlyingSquad exactly what he meant by this. And in that little inciting report “equating the US runners to X,Y,Z.” is not just an opinion, its defamation, a felony.

        3 months ago

        Blackbeard had the option to clearly say, “We want to allow people to say any bad thing about the Democrats that they want, even if it seems clearly disingenuous or like a pattern on the part of that particular user. We don’t consider that to be misinformation.” That would have clarified things and my guess is that FlyingSquid wouldn’t have argued with it. Blackbeard’s desire to tiptoe around saying that directly, for obvious reasons, and just say “be more discerning,” was what led to FlyingSquid’s confusion which Blackbeard for some reason interpreted as being hostile and obstinate about it.

        It’s like a flashback to every boss who gives unclear direction about expectations, even when giving you a bollocking about how you did it wrong this time and even when asked point-blank. Except, FlyingSquid isn’t getting paid to put up with it, hence the “I think I just won’t participate then” which is probably a lot more polite than I would have been about it.

          3 months ago

          Blackbeard’s desire to tiptoe around saying that directly

          Well I imagine that a Moderator should have a solid stance regarding, well, moderation. Blackbeard simply didn’t cut it. They could have just stepped down, but no, they had to nuke the account, post that screenshot to show their people skills and finally head to bluesky.

        3 months ago

        It is not misinformation to say that Kamala Harris is the commander in chief of the largest military force in the world and she is overseeing a genocide.

        That is textbook misinformation.

        • Kamala Harris is not the commander in chief, Biden is.
        • Kamala Harris is not “overseeing” anything in Gaza. Netanyahu is overseeing the genocide, Biden is arming it for some reason, and Kamala Harris is a whole different person running a political campaign to be able to make decisions about what we’re going to do now that our ally has apparently decided to kill millions of people who didn’t do anything wrong.

        The linkage of Kamala Harris with the genocide in Gaza, persistently and disingenuously, with an apparently-successful outcome of greatly increasing the genocide by putting Trump in charge instead, is one major type of misinformation on Lemmy. If you were coming and saying “It is not misinformation to say that Kamala Harris hasn’t even condemned the genocide and is losing Arab voters because of her attempt to waffle on this crystal-clear issue,” then that wouldn’t be misinformation, whether I agreed with it personally or not. But going off into factual la-la land in order to accomplish your political goals for any particular discussion is absolutely misinformation. Thank you for providing a good example.

          • I’m largely on your side here but

            Biden literally vanishes for weeks at a time. Biden is a walking corpse who doesn’t make any decisions, they have to stuff him full of Adderall to get him to do anything

            Source? This sounds like Republican propaganda

            And just to be clear- I feel that a vote for either Harris or Trump was a vote for genocide

              3 months ago

              I’m with you on this Lukacs is a something of a mirror image of the partisan twits he’s railing against.

              FS needs to calm down and have their abusive and manipulative actions there underlined so that they can learn from them and move on.

        3 months ago

        Tell me you don’t know what the Vice President does without telling me you don’t know what the Vice President does.

        This is exactly the sort of misinformation I remove from Politics on a daily basis.

        There is a PUBLIC PROCESS for Harris to become President:

        "To officially transfer the presidential powers to Harris, Biden sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the president pro tempore of the Senate, at 10:10 a.m. ET before going under anesthesia.

        The letter reads: “Today I will undergo a routine medical procedure requiring sedation. In view of present circumstances, I have determined to transfer temporarily the powers and duties of the office of President of the United States to the Vice President during the brief period of the procedure and recovery.”"