• Notyou@sopuli.xyz
    3 months ago

    Yeah, that whole “the purpose of a system is what it does” statement makes me think the DNC are moles.

    • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      I used to think that was all conspiracy theorist tankie talk, but the Democrats losing, refusing recounts, refusing to investigate the irregularities in voting, the contradictions between poll and results, or the bomb threats given to Blue Counties in Swing States on Election Night… Complete with Kamela saying “Screw appointing judges, I’m going to Hawaii!”

      Well it was almost enough to make me think that they wanted to lose the election on purpose and simply had to pretend to put up a fight to keep us complacent. It certainly makes sense of this “No, they do protests, rallies, organize, break rules, and get what they want, but we are better than that! We have to talk it on the chin! It’s the only way we keep America the American Way!” talk that’s been going on. Better known as “We go high, they go low.”

      Like I said it was ALMOST enough. What sent me was Biden buddying up to Trump and looking like bros who just won the big eSports 2 Vs. 2 Tournament against some grade A douchebags… and being so damn convincing in the role that Right Wingers were joking that Biden voted for Trump.

      I legitimately believe that they wanted Trump to win. Look at how fast they turned on Transpepole despite the exit polls showing that it was their lack of support for economic issues, not their continued support of LGBT rights, that lost them the election. They wanted Trump to win so they could stop the act, take off the mask, and say “Well I guess you guys WANT a bigoted America!”

      Kamela may have been the damn trojan horse that prevents us from ever having a female president, so both parties can point to her and Hillary’s campaigns and fully mask off say “Naw, bros before hoes in the Whites Only House!”

      You wanna know why the Democrats have given up so easily and just aren’t worried about Trump despite making him out to be the biggest threat to Democracy we’ve ever seen (which, he is)

      I’ll tell you why, getting that bastard back in the White House was the plan all along.

      The Democrats took up the mantle of Champions of Justice simply so they could get their cut by taking a dive.

      • madcaesar@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        The problem is that fairly or unfairly Democrats have been burned as being woke out of touch elitists that care more about bathrooms and policing language than actually fixing anything.

        I can’t really blame people, for one Democrats suck ass at PR and two they really offered no solutions.

        Trumps solutions are awful and insane, but at least he’s saying shits fucked, I’ll fix it!

        Again, Trump is a moron, but this doesn’t matter in the PR game. Democrats aren’t even playing.

        Even on here people keep going on about bathrooms, Gaza and pronouns, completely ignoring the ass whooping we just got. People outside lemmy simply don’t care about this.

      • Notyou@sopuli.xyz
        3 months ago

        I forget who exactly on the right said it before the election, but it was something along the lines of, ‘We are about to have another American revolution and it will be bloodless of the DNC let’s it.’ Seems like the DNC is allowing it.

        • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
          3 months ago

          So in Hostage Negotiation they tell you that if a Hostage has been killed, you send in the guns and any further talk is meant solely to serve as a distraction. This is because after the death of one hostage it is clear that further negotiation is not guaranteed to save anyone and that even if a deal is reached you no longer have reason to believe that the person on the other end is sane or stable enough to honor it.

          Democrats would fail this class, Republicans aren’t even taking it because they’re the ones killing hostages.