4 strokes under my personal best!
Does anyone have a rag?
Wait until you get a load of whitewater kayaking lingo. Missed my boof stroke and my skirt imploded. Now I have to drink a bootie beer because I ate it in that nasty hole.
Is this accurate?
I failed to execute a technique (boof stroke) that lifts the kayak’s bow over obstacles, and my spray skirt (the waterproof cover that seals the cockpit) failed and let water in. Now I have to drink a beer out of my water shoe (a paddling tradition/penalty when you flip over and have to exit your kayak) because I crashed badly in that dangerous hydraulic (a turbulent section of water that recirculates).
- Boof stroke: A paddling technique to lift the front of the kayak
- Skirt: The waterproof cover that keeps water out of the kayak
- Bootie beer: A kayaking tradition where you drink a beer from your wet shoe after swimming
- Hole: A hydraulic/recirculating current that can trap boats and paddlers
relax he’s just trying to shave a few balls off his game bro. nohomo
I was straight up jorkin it, but I sent my balls into a sand trap.
You can do better. Its all about stance and grip. Let me show you…
Some people clean their balls by sucking on them.
I stroke it to the east …
Could be a winner, boy, you move quite well!
I stroke it to the west …
Usually people say they’re working on their swing. Maybe there are regional differences.
You guys are gross. He’s obviously working through his brain hemorrhage.