We may not have worker protections but at least we have cheap tasty calorie-dense food
The Chad should be at least 400lbs though…
As any true patriotic American should.
I’m just gonna tell you there is a difference between the food we serve to tourists and the food we serve to Italians.
(Portuguese food is better any way)
the worst thing is the mozzarella called just “cheese”
it’s mozzarella on the american style pizza too, it’s just shredded properly and not simply thrown on there in chunks
in fact, in the american style they use mozzarella specifically because it being a wet type of cheese helps a lot with protecting the toppings from heat, so you can crank it way tf up and get much crispier crust
Weird, I’ve been to Italian-run pizza joints in both Germany and Italy and I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that’s as irregular as the left. Maybe they don’t do that style on the northern Italian west coast?
BTW, the blackened bits on the crust are super delicious.
buddy from the US moved to europe. kept whining about his local pizza joint. I assumed it was just crap but eventually asked what was wrong with it, “The pizzas got these weird ass names like Capricciosa and they are absolutely covered by toppings. WHERE IS THE BREAD?!?!”
Where did he go specifically, and where exactly was he from? Looks like he got the opposite experience of the meme.
obviously the meme is trying to be as unflattering as possible as proof that american pizza is somehow superior. in reality american pizza tries to maximize profits whereas european pizza is a food dish.
The virgin italian and american pizzas vs the Chad brazillian pizza monstruosities
I had to google this and WOW, you aren’t wrong. All hail our Brazilian pizza overlords.
Oh man. This comment section will become a civil war.
Italian pizza how I miss you
european here (hungarian to be specific). i’m with the yanks on this one. especially as someone with arfid, the inconsistency of authentic italian pizza sucks, and they put way the hell too little cheese on there. if i wanted tomato bread i’d just take some tomato and chuck it on a piece of bread, thank you (but also, why tf would i ever do that)
I’ll agree with you here, especially on the inconsistency. European-style has been the absolute best or worst pizza I’ve had, but it never seems like there’s any in-between. American pizza is reliable if nothing else.
Also those mozzarella balls are delicious and for the 20 euro I paid for the real thing they should have put like triple on there.
oh yeah, i do love those things. when i make pizza for myself i always throw a whole bunch of shredded mozzarella on there, so basically the whole pizza is those delicious balls.
also, heresy time again: frozen margherita pizza is an amazing basis for any pizza you wanna make at home. they usually put way too little cheese on it so it’s really up to you what you wanna do with it – my fave is mozzarella, smoked cheese (both shredded), and grilled chicken, but a lot of that is the arfid filter talking, you should put on whatever you want. just make sure the mozzarella is the last thing you put on, that way it shields the rest of the toppings from the heat (if it actually covers the pizza), which will allow you to keep it in the oven like 20-30% longer so that you get the crust properly crispy.
Oh my god I’m saving this for the next pizza goblin time thank you so much 💞
if i wanted tomato bread i’d just take some tomato and chuck it on a piece of bread, thank you (but also, why tf would i ever do that)
It’s pretty good actually.
@ichmagrum @b3nsn0w add chunks of cheddar and you’ve got #redmond Three Lions Pub’s cheese and tomato sandwich
Which they charged like $15 for :P
I prefer the left, but with pineapple.
And in the end, isn’t that all that really matters?