• GreenKnight23@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    tiktok is not a news source. tiktok is propaganda. propaganda is meant to program a response from people.

    the education system failed to prepare these people for a toxic inhospitable world where their very identity is being attacked on the daily.

    also, these people failed to prepare themselves once they became adults because they couldn’t identify the risks to themselves. they lack the skills to identify where their opinions end and the mobs values begin because of a lifetime of indoctrination through tools like Facebook and Tiktok.

    they were not uninformed. they made a conscious decision to vote the way they chose. they can certainly change their perspective and their values, but they have damaged their integrity and irreparably broken the trust given to Americans around the world.

    just because you don’t understand why you did a thing doesn’t absolve you from being guilty. if someone is uninformed they made choices based on falsified information. there are numerous cases that specifically told the world how big of a corrupt criminal Trump is. Too many sources to ignore it, this is why they chose of their own free will and were not “uninformed”.

    • Carrolade@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Whether someone is informed or not is something that can be objectively analyzed. It had nothing to do with responsibility or guilt. Either they know or they don’t, it is an entirely separate topic whose fault that is.

      • GreenKnight23@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        court: so you then hit the victim seventeen times in the head with a hammer. what do you have to say for yourself.

        defendant: I didn’t know that hitting a person that many times would kill them. I saw it happen on Looney Tunes hundreds of times and thought they would be fine.

        so by your own admission the defendant should be let go because they can’t be held responsible or guilty because they were uneducated and/or misinformed?

        • Carrolade@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          No, I’m saying that discussion of innocence and guilt is a pointless distraction from the important parts of the conversation. It’s irrelevant, it doesn’t matter. There is nothing illegal about listening to gop bullshit, so it’s a pointless red herring to focus so heavily on it.

          What do you perceive the benefit of focusing on guilt to be? What’s the point?

          • GreenKnight23@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            why are you so focused on the guilt aspect?

            nobody is getting charged here. Their first amendment right is still virginal. Nobody is going to take your guns, it’s ok. we’re discussing our opinions on the internet like good little boys, girls, tboys, tgirls, nonboys, nongirls, right? (apologies if I left anyone out)

            the point remains that those people acted of their own free will. they failed their responsibility to identify a major threat to the continued stability of our nation and instead let a megalomaniac gain power over our highest seat if power, AGAIN.

            these people did what they thought was best based on propaganda. their primary source of information comes from a documented and well known worldwide propaganda machine.

            they have had hundreds if not thousands of chances to identify that they are being manipulated but refuse to see reason.

            you’re going to lose it on the next part.

            they are guilty of being willfully ignorant and refusing to learn. they will never go to jail for it, they will never have their rights taken away for it. but, they will be judged by society. they will be seen as, less than American.

            Because real Americans stand up against bullies. Real Americans stop at nothing to block fascist dictators from taking over their nation. Real Americans vote.

            • Carrolade@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              I’m asking about guilt because you are so laser focused on it. Why? What is the value you see in focusing on it? What does it matter who is at fault for them being uninformed, so long as we understand they are uninformed?

              I’m saying we know they are uninformed, and it does not matter who is at fault for that. You keep bringing up how it is their fault, though. Responsibility, fault, guilt, call it whatever you want. Why do you care so much about it specifically? Do you see “uninformed” as some sort of excuse perhaps?