Don’t fuck with copy too, my schools e-textbook thing won’t let you copy text when quoting it for an essay.
Edit: I appreciate the help but this is on a school laptop, we can’t install anything nor open inspect element. Also I already found a workaround by cntrl+c-ing before I lift the left click and it goes to highlight mode.
I always just find a pdf to use even if I had to pay for the service. One time the pictures they provided (tables) were so difficult to read that I tracked down the original source material and sent copies to the professor and the rest of the class.
Don’t fuck with copy too, my schools e-textbook thing won’t let you copy text when quoting it for an essay.
Edit: I appreciate the help but this is on a school laptop, we can’t install anything nor open inspect element. Also I already found a workaround by cntrl+c-ing before I lift the left click and it goes to highlight mode.
Cengage? McGraw?
Both have that problem in my classes so I went hard into the open access stuff for my students.
I always just find a pdf to use even if I had to pay for the service. One time the pictures they provided (tables) were so difficult to read that I tracked down the original source material and sent copies to the professor and the rest of the class.
Now that is an everyday hero in action.
Damn, what a noble gesture!
Install Windows Powertoys, activate the Text Extractor plugin, Windows+Shift+t, profit!
Or specifically Text-Grab
My textbook on Norton has all the text in <p> tags if you inspect the page. It’s annoying to have to go to such lengths to copy text, but it works.
wow that must be super annoying. id rip my hair out.