For a long time I have used google drive sheets in order to keep track of gym progress because it has columns and I can dedicate columns, colors, rows, etc for specific gym movements each week so I can keep track of progress, progressive overload correctly, and have a history of progress. ( Example: days | weight | push | bench::weight*sets/reps | etc)
I have been using libreofffice (and syncthing to back up to home server so I can later view on pc) to do this lately but the mobile app is … Hard to use for me. I also use obsidian to take general notes and lists but it is missing the dedicated columns I would like.
Is there other self hosted similar options for what I’m looking for specifically for mobile to PC backup.
OnlyOffice has good mobile apps.
Ok thanks I’ll check it out
Edit: ok the mobile experience is 100x better thanks I think I will use this and setup next cloud or another solution for PC use aswell and that should solve my ‘issue’ I think
I might need to try this. I’m using LibreOffice Online, and it kinda sucks on mobile.