“Thats the bees knees” is my goto.
That’s the tits nuts!
The nuts’ tits?
a whole caravan of ass
Not the beees!
It’s just their knees, it’s all g.
Both sexes can have or lack tits. So the first one is okay, the second one is sexist.
Who said anything about sex? I’d rather read an essay comparing these:
In the same way people of all genders can have tits, so can people of all genders have nuts, so if that’s your reasoning, either both are sexist, or neither are.
ovaries are just nuts in the inside
Colloquial “sexism” is heavily based on gender, so if you want to be precise you should probably use another phrase entirely
And if you knew anything about either, you’d know that both are a spectrum, so your argument is still invalid
yo this debate is the tits 🔥🔥
pick something neutral - that’s the shit.
Hey everybody poops…except for Kim Jung Un, so maybe don’t use that one on holiday in North Korea…
No no, the neutral ground is the taint.
Not to be confused with “shit”
I’m pretty sure that everyone likes boobs, and nuts are just not awesome in any way. If someone’s using nuts as a superlative thing, their priorities are definitely askew.
Hard disagree. Nuts are awesome. They’re soft, and they’re fun to play with, and they’re also a fantastic emergency stop button in a fight
Um, are they supposed to be soft? I might need to see my doctor.
The testes themselves aren’t soft ime, but if we’re talking about the overall (scrotum + testes), then I would say it’s pretty soft.
Though I’m going to take this moment to soapbox about the importance of regular testicular self examinations: https://www.macmillan.org.uk/cancer-information-and-support/testicular-cancer/how-to-check
The key thing is checking regularly enough that you know what’s normal for you, and thus can see a doctor if there are any unexpected changes in shape or texture. (Apologies for lecturing in reply to what was probably a joke)
My doctor has been extolling this (correct) perspective lately and you are excellent for supporting it.
But because the original post was a joke, I have to share: I’ve never had a professional testicular examination before. I’m in my late thirties now and recently changed doctors due to moving. My new doctor, the first time I saw her, offered diagnostic testicular palpation. I declined, as I had no cause for concern, then when I got home told my wife how surprised I was at the suggestion. (Not offended or anything, just caught off guard.)
My wife, whom you might have guessed is a woman, was not sympathetic to my surprise, as she’d had genital inspections throughout her life.
I normally try to make the last line of a post like this pithy and humorous, but three other conversations I have going on in the background have robbed me of any joy as I typed this (if you knew me you probably would observe the change in tone between paragraphs), so I will merely present this as factual.
Late thirties?
Suprised by a doctor offering to fondle your balls?
… Might not be long before they insist on calling Doctor Proctor in for a… mildly invasive exam.
So I’ve heard, courtesy of Bill Engvall.
You can also grab twist em upside down and squeeze them into a wee little fly face to thrill all your future partners.
Bop em! Twist em! Pull em!
I didn’t like your comment and I didn’t like posting this response, but commenting this seemed necessary.
At least your reply gave this one person a good chuckle, so you have that going for it lol
Dude that’s nuts
That’s such a straight male thing to say
My lesbian friends would disagree.
They look like a mountain range covered in cheap shampoo and burnt trees.
I agree, and moreover, no one is allergic to boobs, but people are dying from nuts allergies!
That’s nuts, my friend.
Ok but that scrote skin is definitely pretty great.
Just say it’s ass, then you’re good. Unless that’s assogynist
This post is the clap.
I used to say ‘the bomb’ until I thought about it a bit. Am I really comparing your slick dance move to nuclear annihilation? How does that work out?
The lap dance was a bomb, I just exploded in my pants
Is it da bomb bc it’s so good that it blew people away, or so bad that it bombed?
To be fair the vast majority of bombs aren’t nuclear.
This post is the reproductive and/or maternity organs.
It’s the duck’s guts
You could split the difference and say nuits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb-xyNa9mwI
This thread is the cloaca.
I think you have to call it “deez nuts”
How would you even use either option in that way?
Yo your opinion is the tits (or nuts)
If someone said that to me I wouldn’t know if I should feel offended or not.
Are you perchance either a gen x or gen z? Because any millennial has heard this commonly
I feel like the context would make it make sense to you. If somebody tried your cooking, and then, their eyes lit up and a big smile spread across their face, and they yelled, “This soup is THE TITS!!!” before they proceed to eat more, you’d be able to tell they were complimenting it.