
Donald Trump’s 2024 election victory, influenced by support from podcasters like Joe Rogan, has sparked debate among Democrats about creating a left-leaning equivalent.

Rogan, whose show reaches 14.5 million listeners (80% male, largely independents or Republicans), endorsed Trump and hosted figures like JD Vance and Elon Musk.

Critics argue Democrats lack a comparable media ecosystem due to limited funding from megadonors, who oppose progressive policies.

Others suggest Democrats need to focus on appealing policies for independent-minded voters rather than trying to replicate Rogan’s media influence.

    3 months ago

    I like Stewart and Oliver but both have the schtick of “look how absurdly stupid these people are, we’re fucked, we must do better.”

    That’s fine for what it is but what it is is watching someone else describing the scary thing and then express the fear you’re feeling. It’s cathartic but I think I don’t think it changes anyone’s mind.

    People like Rogan get people to commiserate and identify with them and their feelings. Then, they come up with some crazy idea, institution or person to blame. It’s sort of the reverse order of Stewart and Oliver. So, they get people feeling first then get them to blame someone, the “libs”, usually.

    The problem the Dems have is they still can’t show they are sympathetic to an audience like Rogan’s. Bernie can. But, even progressives like AOC, Tlaib, etc. don’t seem to be able to relate to rural/suburban, low-education, low-income people.

      3 months ago

      People like Rogan get people to commiserate and identify with them and their feelings. Then, they come up with some crazy idea, institution or person to blame. It’s sort of the reverse order of Stewart and Oliver. So, they get people feeling first then get them to blame someone, the “libs”, usually.

      This is the way conspiratorial thinking works in general. Come up with the feeling, or come up with the conclusion, and then find spurious bullshit to link your enemies to it. Instead of following the evidence, cherry pick the evidence that agrees with your conclusion.

      The Democrats have a half of a point though, they’re basically not present at all in the new media ecosystem that very online idiots live in.