• zephorah@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    What we need to be asking is, if everyone wants healthcare, better wages, and cheaper housing, then why are we fighting about trans and not having absolute agreement on every other detail?

    We’re SUPPOSED to fight amongst ourselves. Per the corporate buyers of both the DNC and RNC. Dance puppets dance. And we do.

    • Todd Bonzalez@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      It’s a difficult issue. As someone on the left, I didn’t just arbitrarily choose to take up the fight for trans rights. Without external motivation, I would be happy to consider trans issues a non-issue for me, as a cisgender person.

      But the right has targeted the trans community with hatred and violence. They want to pass laws that limit free expression.

      I can’t just ignore the attacks against trans people because I think healthcare, wages, and housing are more important. If I don’t fight for trans people, I am allowing them to be oppressed.

      Ask the Republican fascists why they keep making trans people their biggest fucking issue. They’ll just gaslight you, or course, but the answer is that it’s easier to unite their uneducated voting base with fear and hatred than it is to make any real promises about improving the American quality of life, because the latter will never be possible without deprioritizing the wealthy who own their campaign finances.

      Don’t blame the left for standing up to the right’s bullying. We fight for trans people because the right is fighting against them. We’ll stop when they stop.

        • zephorah@lemm.ee
          3 months ago

          You do realize they literally did the social equivalent of throwing spaghetti noodles at walls to see what would stick, right? Granted this whole angle of the conversation is more for the right than left.

          They started with bathrooms. Impractical, rather meh, and we already have single bathrooms in restaurants and such, that are unisex. No one has died, so we’re good there. Nonstarter issue. Besides, what are you going to do, but a genital checker on the door?

          They/them, eh, whatever. At the most you’re getting an eyeroll. Again, non-starter.

          Sports. Let’s face it, this is real. If you’re born with a male body, you totally have male strength advantage. I own a handgun because I lack that advantage (but that’s another debate.). They found their mark. Easy outrage, with a, well damn, we’ll have to give you that one, from many on the left. While some sit silent out of fear of not showing support elsewhere. And so they run on it.

          And, congratulations Right voters, you just took the squirrel! bait, intended to draw your focus away from higher wages, healthcare, and taxing the rich at 22% like the rest of us paycheck to paycheck people.

          Bonus, now we get to watch you guys fight about it instead of joining in solidarity to fight us. Dance puppets dance!