I know that users from different instances can have @instance after the user name, but what does it mean when the username is @username ?
I know that users from different instances can have @instance after the user name, but what does it mean when the username is @username ?
Everyone who isn’t using a separate display name has an @. It’s their actual login name, like on Twitter.
I couldn’t even use capital letters in my user name, but the display name lets you use Unicode and even emojis (as you can see with mine).
Personally, I’m a big fan of emojis in usernames 😊
Ha! First use of those I’ve seen so far. Haha.
You guys confused me because I couldn’t see any emojis in any of your names. Until I clicked on @SgtSilverLining 's name and then the link to view the profile in the original instance. Turns out kbin doesn’t have the concept of a display name, only usernames.
Oh haha, that’s interesting. To us, it just shows yours like a display name, without the @.
Looks like either you have a capital letter in your username and what I see is your username, or you don’t have an emoji in your display name, or kbin strips emojis from usernames.
Edit: It appears kbin shows people’s usernames, not their display names. That said, you still seem to have a capital letter in your username.