I still doubt we make 9 millions posts per day, there is another graph dedicated to comments, which has a much tinier drop on Thanksgiving: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats
I still doubt we make 9 millions posts per day, there is another graph dedicated to comments, which has a much tinier drop on Thanksgiving: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats
We were busy those nights, and if you didn’t get the memo it’s best to stop asking questions while you still can.
I still doubt we make 9 millions posts per day, there is another graph dedicated to comments, which has a much tinier drop on Thanksgiving: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats
I mean, I always thought of OP as someone in the Lemmy’s loop. I guess it doesn’t know everything…
I still doubt we make 9 millions posts per day, there is another graph dedicated to comments, which has a much tinier drop on Thanksgiving: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats