What is everyone’s preferred hub? I find my myself always going to Kyovashad. It just seems more lively to me for some reason and feels “lived in.” So what is everyone’s go to? This a random post but I’m also trying to help drive some content and engagement here on Lemmy!
I usually go to the one at the tree of whispers if im just trying to dump shit in my stash
Ked Bardu because I like the sunlight and warm setting. Distances between shops feels more or less the same than Kyovashad.
Kyovashad has a nice music though, but I don’t like the depressing winter ambiance and there are too many religious peoples around the cathedral.
Cerrigar. Vendors are all super close. Only far node is the stash, which I only use to bank my 23rd Vasily’s Helm.
Wherever town portal takes me. I seem to end up in Gea Kul and Zabinzet a lot.