What’s weird is I do! After decades of watching and learning I think we’re a 3-dimensional species that can only mathematically measure things via 2-dimensional thinking. (We can only visualize space-time in a single plane for example mentally, honestly)
All the things that ‘disappear into nothing’ like singularities and even UFO’s I think simply are 4th dimensional in nature if not higher. They dip in and out of what we can perceive and the beings that live there are amused at us crawling around like ants in an ant-hill.
You might wanna watch this Veritasium video talking about how we understand information around black holes, before you start bringing in UFOs and UAPs.
I watched it last night. I’m still trying to get my head around positive pressure vacuum.
Wikipedia says “the inner region has thermodynamically no entropy and may be thought of as a gravitational Bose–Einstein condensate” if that helps
Oh thanks, that clears it up completely.
It helps in that I clearly don’t understand what is happening, but at least I can put fancy words with it.
Can you get your head around singularities? Because as much as I do understand, I still don’t understand them.
I’m gonna rephrase that for both of us, I think (hope):
We understand better what it is we don’t understand about them.
What’s weird is I do! After decades of watching and learning I think we’re a 3-dimensional species that can only mathematically measure things via 2-dimensional thinking. (We can only visualize space-time in a single plane for example mentally, honestly)
All the things that ‘disappear into nothing’ like singularities and even UFO’s I think simply are 4th dimensional in nature if not higher. They dip in and out of what we can perceive and the beings that live there are amused at us crawling around like ants in an ant-hill.
You might wanna watch this Veritasium video talking about how we understand information around black holes, before you start bringing in UFOs and UAPs.