This was in Lemmy world politics.

    2 months ago

    Moderation is like politics, and inherently attracts the most narcissistic and authoritarian, so it must be decentralized. As in users have to mod 1 comment/post for every n number of comments/posts they post &/or read after they’ve been active n number of months, but it would need to be done by averaging moderation across a random sample of users; preferencing users who are least bias and more trusted over time (but without growing dependent on them or their own safe spaces). I’d be happy to mod if it were an occasional part of participation, but I don’t want to mod everything, or it to be expected of me when I’m busy with life, or to do it permanently.

    FYI Lemmy will ultimately fail because the lead dev is a pathetic despot tankie manchild, as bad as the worst mods on reddit. He created Lemmy to admin ml as his own safe space. He will never give up the power it’s given him. It will need to be forked to solve the core problems.