Hey folks, it’s my fourth time listening to this album in as many days and I’m looking for recommendations for tracks/albums like it. I’m looking for punk, energetic but also melodic, and packed with righteous anger. Bonus points if it’s in a language other than English.
Well, now I need to watch Inside Man! Like I said, I’m into this sort of stuff, so it’s possible I was reading more into it than they meant, but there’s a definite drop off in revolutionary aspect in the final seasons.
They kinda flat out disavow The Professor’s revolutionary tendency and have him declare he’s just doing it to fulfill his inner thief or something at the end.
btw, do you have any specific books to recommend on gramsci? I bought the first vol of buttigieg’s Prison Notebooks translation, and uh it was too over my head, I didn’t even know where to begin with it.
I’m afraid I don’t have much I can recommend, I had pretty much the same reaction as you with the writing I found both by and about him. Most of what I know about his philosophy is from either school or or other media that references him. I remember reading a good essay by the Wu Ming collective that talked about Gramsci, but I can’t find it right now and idk if it there was a translation. If I manage to find it I’ll let you know.
Unrelated to Gramsci, but Wu Ming wrote some great historical novels with an impressive amount of research behind them and an explicitly leftist perspective. Some good non-fiction commentary about Italian/European recent history as well. It’s not all good, they have some bad takes here and there (don’t read Clockwork Orange Duck), but I like most of their stuff. I’m reading Proletkult right now and even though I have mixed feelings about it it’s still an interesting book. Most of their best work is translated.
Hmm, they sound interesting, I’ll definitely add them to my list. Thanks! Is there a centralized place to download most of their works? I’m looking on their blog and not having much luck. Not a lot of the English on libgen either.
Hmmm good question. I don’t know of any official repository, I can see a bunch of their most famous works in English on Anna’s Archive though.
Ah, I’ll check it out. Thanks!