Stuff that, back when you were in the economic clutches of your parents, you could but dream of having.

For me, there were several. The Dreamcast was the first, then the PS2, back in the early 2000s

More recently, I’ve been completely enthralled by the Amiga and what it offered back in the late 80s. That’s a system that was never available around my parts (Brazil), even as a clone product or contraband

    2 years ago

    As laughable as it sounds, the Sega 32X. I was a Genesis kid and one birthday my parents bought me Star Wars Arcade not understanding that it required the 32X to play. I kept telling them that the game wouldn’t work without it (even showing them that it wouldn’t fit in the regular Genesis slot) and they kept insisting that I must be doing something wrong or that I could just cut the corners off the cartridge to make it fit. So I wanted the 32X to play Star Wars, as well as this strange Knuckles game I kept hearing about (which I know is Knuckles’ Chaotix). Never ended up getting one. Got an N64 soon after, much better decision.

      2 years ago

      Good news and bad news for you:

      • Chaotix was so buggy it was unplayable.
      • Star Wars 32X was everything you probably dreamed it was, and more. What a fantastic port. I’m so sorry your parents didn’t understand.