Balcony solar panels can save 30% on a typical household’s electricity bill and, with vertical surface area in cities larger than roof space, the appeal is clear
I haven’t numbers or data, so just from personal point of view: Lax building code as in you can build the weirdest looking building in the middle of a forest, yes. The 60s to 90s were like that.
But the building always had to be up to code: if you wanted electricity, it had to be up to code. If you wanted water, you also needed correct sewage. Transactional, in a way.
The first, buildings whereever, has also changed, gradually, since the 00s. “Betonstop” is the name used, translates to “concrete stop”.
Next year they become legal In Belgium too, for approved brands. They currently are banned due to electrical/fire safety code.
Wasn’t there a stereotype about Belgium having lax building codes? Was that ever true or did that change, Belgium?
I haven’t numbers or data, so just from personal point of view: Lax building code as in you can build the weirdest looking building in the middle of a forest, yes. The 60s to 90s were like that.
But the building always had to be up to code: if you wanted electricity, it had to be up to code. If you wanted water, you also needed correct sewage. Transactional, in a way.
The first, buildings whereever, has also changed, gradually, since the 00s. “Betonstop” is the name used, translates to “concrete stop”.
Anyone knows about France? I got a balcony south south…
They are still illegal in Sweden, unfortunately. Hopefully we get some movement on the subject soon.