I have my doubts about this.
We all do, and even if it’s true, expect a caveat
Ah yes. The caveat.
“I will continue support…for a price! MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!”
Should we be worried that it’s entirely plausible to give our next/previous president an evil laugh, and it reasonably fits him?
We should give him an evil whine, Or a Muttley wheezing laugh?
I mean the price part is already built in. A lot of the “aid” Ukraine is getting is lend lease style stuff that they’ll be paying through the nose for later IIRC.
Yea but he’s not pocketing any of THAT cash
Are you kidding … who the hell can take his word about anything.
We’re better off to turn off these dumb announcements and pay no attention to anything he says because either it doesn’t make sense, its stupid, its a lie or he doesn’t mean what he says
Keep watching the news to listen to what everyone else is saying but when it comes to US government, don’t bother taking it to mean anything.
Gonna be the same trickle biden did… Clearly US has no interest in Ukraine winning the war. The goal is to weaken Russia.
Your concept of a “trickle” is interesting. The US has contributed nearly as much to Ukraine as every other country combined. (As of September, that was about $92 billion from the US versus about $112 billion from all other countries).
Yes, it does add up to a lot, but it always came in just enough to keep Russia at bay. Also the permissions around where and how which weapons could be used.
When Russia invaded, Putin had no idea how corrupt, weak and inefficient his forces were.
This trickle allowed Russia enough time to turn around much of that, getting us to the point where they are now severely threatening Ukraine. If the military aid was more decisive, Russia could have been defeated early on, and the total spend could have been less than where it is now.As I mentioned to the other commenter, all countries proceeded with discretion. We also didn’t realize how bad of shape Russia’s infrastructure was in, so that demanded a slow approach to try and prevent a nuclear retaliation. Now we know that’s not going to happen, thus lifting the restrictions on attacking within Russian territory.
It’s funny how the opinion on the US’s role in this war over the last two years has gone from “WTF are we doing risking a nuclear war with Russia” to today where folks seem to be saying “why didn’t we stomp Russia from the very beginning?”. The answer in both cases was obvious, I don’t know why anyone has forgotten the reason for that initial caution.
I do understand those arguments, and the US has been a true ally to Ukraine - much more than the Europeans who generally didn’t spend as much as they should have, and sometimes added additional layers of caution (Olaf Scholz in particular).
But if you take a “don’t criticize us” attitude, you won’t be open to any lessons that might be learned. The lesson I hope the West, Europe in particular, would learn is that timidity and weakness invites aggression from someone like Putin.
Don’t forget that not all aid and support is publicly shared , especially from countries that are within firing range of Putin. It’s actually amazing what we do hear.
I know Poland in particular has covertly (and often just quietly) gifted Ukraine quite a number of things. Including tanks and aircraft before anyone else had. It was real confusing for me when Germany was holding off on providing tanks because they didn’t want to be the leader/first, meanwhile Poland had been providing tanks to Ukraine for awhile already.
Won’t that upset his base? You know, the ones that said DT is a peaceful dove while the blood thirsty democrats want to sacrifice all of Ukraine for profit. Or will that claim go away like the rampant fraud claims?
Donald Trump’s base supports him because he’s Donald Trump. Any individual decision or issue is inconsequential and probably not even noticeable, as long as he stays roughly the same person.
I guess what I’m saying is, don’t attribute a fixed self-consistent platform to those guys.
I find this difficult to believe. I am assuming he was either lying or this was an off the cuff statement that wasn’t serious.