50 clients a day
That’s a lot of oral for any profession
One every ten minutes. Doable.
10hrs, 5 clients an hour is doable. Also, they say it’s 50 to embelish the story.
No fucking way someone could see 5 patients an hour for 10 hrs straight.
I have seen it with my eyes. I was homeless and travelling in canada and needed an emergency extraction and heard that there is a dentist volunteering to do extractions for free. I went there, and they had 4 chairs being prepped by volunteer nurses, as the dentist went from one chair to another in a circle doing a quick extraction as each chair was replaced with a new patient. They may have even been going faster than 5 per hour.
Dang thats insane. I imagine pulling homeless teeth 5 per hr, 10 hrs a day for 10 years would lead to some extreme burnout.
I still don’t know if we are talking about dentistry or blowjobs, but either way it seems somewhat unreasonable.
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They do that! Now I know why.
I always figured it was so you’d focus on something other than what’s happening in your mouth
Like when a doctor tells you to turn your head and cough. Turning your head does nothing for the exam, it just keeps you from coughing on the doctor
I’ve just stopped replying. Some get upset. Like, what the hell, if you wanted to hear my answers then why did you stick your whole hand into my mouth
OOP doesn’t seem to know anything about dentistry, lol. 50 clients. Head dentist guy.
that’s a dick move
This made me laugh on the train and now I’m a bit embarrassed but also in a very good mood.
Uhf hmmm
I wonder if this trickles over into their sex life?
find something you love…. yada yada
I believe the full quote is, “find something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life, although you will have to attend a lot of meetings about it”.
The universe takes its revenge, you never get completely left alone to enjoy life, it violates thermodynamics or something.