Here we’ll simply share the names of some cool Libre/OpenSource ANDROID-GAMES that are available (Or should be made available) on Fdroid
Shattered Pixel Dungeon, popular roguelike (as in, actually like Rogue)
In the category of “should be made available” here’s some LucKey Productions titles that could be compiled for Android and are suitable for playing on mobile:
I (main developer) however do not own a smartphone. Come aboard the Colourship if you’d like to help out!
Unciv, 4x civilization game.
I really liked Flowit. I wish there were more of it (tho admittedly when I go back to it, I have often forgotten enough that it’s fun again)
Not sure if someones mentioned it yet but unciv is civ V
Chip Defense, an interesting and challenging take on tower defense.
I got really into chip defense. The concept is a really fun twist on classic enemy hp mechanisms in tower defense. However I think the game’s controls design “scales” poorly with its difficulty curve. Building a new “tower” takes too many taps for the game to continue running in the background. Same for upgrading towers. The worst is when starting a level, you kind of need to rush placing towers to not mechanically end up in a fail state.
If the game let you build and upgrade when paused (or at least queue up those actions to be executed when un-paused) I would have continued playing it.
Does forkyz count? I got addicted into crosswords recently, and this one is nice.
Luanti, Mindustry, vector pinball, super tux cart and Tux rider.
Honorable mention: Tailscale+Moonlight (game streaming)
Talking about Games that need to be FOSSified, I think it would be cool <u>if we had FOSS clones of</u>:-
- Plants vs Zombies
- Angry Birds
- Lonely Hacker
- Sim City (Any City-Building game)
For an Angry Birds clone, check out Apple Flinger
For a SimCity-like game, check out OpenTTD (Transport Tycoon Deluxe)
These two are already FOSS,
but I would be happy if H-Craft Championship could be added to f-droid. (basically wip3out hover-racing)
Also, Gravity Defied is an excellent trials-bike mountain climber, similar to xmoto. It currently does not install for me in f-droid.
Egyptian Mouse Pounce. Fun simple card game against cats I like to play to mindlessly pass the time.
Mindustry, factory based sandbox tower defense (mobile Factorio)
Antimine Minesweeper
Rabbit Escape, basically Lemmings with cute bunnies. Don’t let them splat!
Feudal Tactics, conquer-the-world strategy game with randomly-generated levels