He generally shows most of the signs of the misinformation accounts:
- Wants to repeatedly tell basically the same narrative and nothing else
- Narrative is fundamentally false
- Not interested in any kind of conversation or in learning that what he’s posting is backwards from the values he claims to profess
I also suspect that it’s not a coincidence that this is happening just as the Elon Musks of the world are ramping up attacks on Wikipedia, specially because it is a force for truth in the world that’s less corruptible than a lot of the others, and tends to fight back legally if someone tries to interfere with the free speech or safety of its editors.
Anyway, YSK. I reported him as misinformation, but who knows if that will lead to any result.
Edit: Number of people real salty that I’m talking about this: Lots
it’s in the op.
just stop.
So, you don’t have a reason, just “shut up shut up shut up.” Okay, sounds good. If you have counterarguments that are not some kind of ad hominem, you’re welcome to post them.
your sarcasm doesn’t make you seem any less toxic
You’re being so toxic that you’re projecting your toxicity onto other people. It’s very toxic of you.
I don’t have a counterargument at all. I’m calling out your toxic behavior.
I’m aware.
because I’m not interested in arguing. I’m only interested in pushing out someone who routinely badjackets other users.
Then put on a better jacket.
judging by how the votes seem to be panning out, people seem to think that you’re the one displaying toxic behaviour, and are kinda in favour of OP calling out and defending against genuine misinformation
getting snowed isn’t something to brag about
being unwilling to change behaviour in the face of evidence that people don’t like what you’re doing isn’t something to brag about
I’m right, so I have no reason to change course.
You’re acting pretty toxic from what I’ve seen in this thread.
Have you tried cognitive behavioral therapy?